French Revolutions #1
French Revolutions #2
Random #1
Three of these existed classify the population of France.
What were the estates?
97% of the total population.
Who was the Third estate?
This place during the Revolution was called Place de La Revolution, today it is known as Place de la Concrde
What is the name of The Guillotine location?
The clergy. The nobles. The bourgeoisie and urban workers.
What were the estates?
Owned 10% of the land in France
Who was the First Estate?
Russia, United States, France and all it controlled, Haiti, Spanish America, Switzerland, and Brazil.
Who was involved in the Atlantic Revolution?
Owned 20% of the land in France
Who was the Second estate?
This French King was beheaded by the guillotine
Who was Louis XIV?
Marie Antoinette
Who was the Queen of France
Maximilien de Robespierre
Who led The Reign of Terror?
The Oath was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate who were locked out of a meeting of the Estates-General on 20 June 1789
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
Every year on the 14th of July, the French celebrate-"le jour de la prise de la Bastille" which marks the ________ that took place during the French Revolution in the year of 1789
What is the storming of Bastille?
_________ ________which led to many European writers criticising the Monarchy and espousing democratic, liberalist, nationalist and socialist ideas. 1756
What is The Enlightenment?
Was a body of five directors that held executive power in France following the National Convention and preceding the Consulate. The period of this regime (2 November 1795 until 10 November 1799), commonly known as the ________, Era
What is the French Directory Era? OR What is the Directory Era?