The Pressure is On
Feeling the Heat
Easy, Breezy, Beautiful
Water you doing?
Peel Back the Layers

As you get closer to Earth, this happens to atmospheric pressure

What is pressure increases?

(Highest at Earth's surface, lowest at the edges of space)


The kind of energy we get from the Sun

What is radiation?


In what direction will wind always move from?

What is from High to Low


Process of turning liquid water on Earth to water vapor in the atmosphere

What is evaporation?


The gas that makes up a significant proportion of our atmosphere

What is Nitrogen?

(N2 - Nitrogen Gas)


Type of pressure defined by stormy, windy, wet weather

What is Low pressure?


This type of light is felt at the poles of the Earth more than at the Equator

What is indirect light?


The three convection cell names, starting from the equator and going toward the poles

What are the Hadley, Ferrel / Mid-latitude, and Polar cells?


When the air is holding the most water possible at that temperature

What is saturation?

(100% RH)


All weather on Earth happens here

What is the Troposphere?


Pressure along these weather map lines show areas of equal pressure

What are isobars?


The part of the Earth's surface that takes longer to both absorb and release heat

What is the water?

(oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.)

Wind speeds when isobars on a weather map far apart

What is low/slow wind speed?

(pressure gradient change is happening only a little bit over a large distance)


The temperature air must be to create condensation

What is the dew point temperature?

(dew point = 100% RH)


The layer with ozone molecules that protect life on Earth from harmful UV radiation

What is the Stratosphere?


The average sea level pressure in inches of mercury OR millibars

What is 29.92" of mercury OR 1013.2 millibars?


The two seasons when the amount of light is equal in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere?

What is Spring and Fall?

(Summer: Northern = more direct sunlight, Southern = less direct sunlight)

(Winter: Northern = less direct sunlight, Southern = more direct sunlight)


Caused by friction and the rotation of the Earth on its axis

What is the Coriolis Effect?  

(Winds turn right in the North, and left in the South)


Happens to relative humidity as air temperature increases

What is relative humidity decreases?

(Warm air can hold more water vapor, but water vapor present is not changing)


In the Troposphere, temperature does this as altitude increases

What is temperature decreases?