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What a Bohr
Water Me

I never become charged and have 5 shells

What is Xenon


A type of attractive force that forms between atoms that allows them to obtain a full valence shell

What is a "Chemical Bond"


Draw the Bohr Model for HF and determine the type of bond it represents (BE SPECIFIC)

Polar Covalent Bond


The type of bond that forms between two water molecules

What is "Hydrogen Bond"


Write a hypothesis to predict the outcome for the following experiment:

What is the effect of pulling apart steel wool on its mass? 


I am a noble gas with an atomic mass of 84 AMU

What is Krypton


I am a bond that forms by sharing electrons in my valence shell

What is "Covalent Bond"


Draw a Bohr Model for MgF2 and be specific for the kind of bond it is.

Ionic Bonds

Draw a model of Soap and label it using the terms "hydrophilic and hydrophobic"

Write a hypothesis to predict the outcome of the following question:

How will the mass of alka-selzer added to water change after the chemical reaction occurs in a closed plastic bag?


I am an alkaline earth metal in period 5

What is Strontium


What kind of bond holds together the atoms in oil?

Non-Polar Covalent Bonds


Draw the Bohr Model for Oxygen gas (O2) and be specific on what kind of bond is formed

Non-Polar Covalent Bond


The property of water that allows it to absorb large amounts of heat before water actually changes its temperature

What is "specific heat capacity"


Write a hypothesis to predict the outcome of the following question:

How will the mass of alka-selzer added to water change after the chemical reaction occurs in an open plastic bag?


I form can form +4 or -4 ions, and I am located in period 2.

What is Carbon


CO2, also known as carbon dioxide, is a covalent compound. Please answer the following about this compound:

1. Will it have a charge?

2. What kinds of bonds form?

3. Will it dissolve in oil?

1. No charge

2. Non-Polar Covalent Bonds

3. Yes it will 


Draw a Bohr Model for CO2 and be specific about the kind of bonds formed

Non-Polar Covalent Bond

Describe why Magic Sand could be useful in cleaning up an oil spill in the ocean?
Since Magic Sand is Hydrophobic, it will stick to the oil but NOT to ocean water. Therefore, magic sand can be sprinkled on the ocean, which can help people mop of the oil off the ocean surface. 

Write a hypothesis to predict the outcome of the following question: Can water wash out a salt stain on clothing? 


I have 125 neutrons and 6 electron shells

What is Astatine


How can you wash butter off of your hands? You must use at least 3 vocabulary words for full credit. 

Butter is non-polar.

Water is polar. 

To wash butter off your hands you must use soap. Soap will create an emulsion, where the polar head attaches to water and non-polar head attaches to soap. 


Draw the Bohr Model for C2H4 and be specific about the kind of bonds formed.

Non-Polar Covalent Bonds


What are 6 properties of water that rely on it's polarity. 

Hydrogen Bonding



Capillary Action

Universal Solvent 

Surface Tension


The following are polarity values for different solvents. You found a mystery solute outside. You want to know if it's polar or non-polar. Design an experiment to test your hypothesis. What will be your control group and what will be your experimental group?