Nature of science
Atomic Theory
Subatomic Particles
States of Matter
Rapid Fire

FINAL JEOPARDY: What is the smallest particle of an element that has all the chemical properties of the element?

An atom


Is a theory ever discarded? 

No, it's modified.


Double jeopardy: 

How many years (rough estimate) did it take for scientists to refine the atomic theory into what we know today?

roughly 2,000 years


The number of protons determines what element an atom will be. On the periodic table, this is also known as "the ___________________  _____________"

Atomic number


What are the three states of matter and how fast do its particles move?

Solid: Shaking in place

Liquid: flows and takes shape of a container

Gas: Freely moving in all directions


I am positively charged and live in the nucleus of the atom.

what's my name?



What is a hypothesis?

A testable statement of what the researcher predicts will be the outcome of a study.


All atoms have 3 subatomic particles. Rutherford's model was able to develop a more precise model of the atom we know today. What 2 particles compose the central nucleus?

Proton and Neutron


What are the three subatomic particles and their charges?

Proton: +

Electron: -

Neutron: No charge


Double Jeopardy: What is the orientation of the particles within each state of matter (aka : if you were to draw 10 particles of each, what would they look like)

Solid: compact

Liquid: fills shape of container, toward bottom

Gas: free flowing


What do you find when you add the protons and neutrons together 

Mass number of an element


Why are theories modified throughout the years?

Additional scientific knowledge contributes to theories by providing more precise explanations


in 1911, Neils Bohr penned the "Bohrs orbit model" showing that electrons orbited the central nucleus. His research allowed Schrodinger to provide more evidence on what we know today as the electron cloud. How did Neils Bohr publishing his research help science?

Communication within the science community helped further the research of the atomic theory by addressing any errors and correcting them.


What subatomic particle is responsible for determining the type of element.



What is the attraction between particles in each different state of matter?

Solid: strongly attracted/ Strong bonds

Liquid: Weakly attracted/ Weak bonds

Gas: No bonds


What subatomic particle can be shared between separate atoms?



After my experiment, if my hypothesis is disproven, do I erase it and write a new one supported by the evidence?

No. In your conclusion write that your hypothesis has been disproven via the evidence.


Why are atoms considered to be the smallest unit of an element?

They are the fundamental building blocks of matter and cannot be divided into smaller bits, and still retain the properties of a given element.


a neutral atom must have an equal number of what 2 subatomic particles?

protons and electrons


A young scholar, Kelly left butter out on the countertop. She came back 5 hours later and inferred the speed of the molecules within the butter, has sped up. What phase change did she observe?

Solid to Liquid


Rutherford found what part of the atom by doing what?

the nucleus, shooting particles through gold foil and some of them bounced back