What 3 particles make up an atom?
Protons, Neutrons, Electrons
How do you calculate the mass number of an atom?
If an element is a shiny solid, then is it probably a solid, liquid, or gas?
Elements in Group ____ will most likely form a charge of +1.
How many Groups are there on The Periodic Table?
A neutral atom of Lithium has 3 Protons, 4 Neutrons, and 3 Electrons. What is the atomic number of Lithium?
Atoms with the same numbers of Protons, but different numbers of neutrons are known as _____.
Describe the melting point of nonmetals.
Nonmetals have a low melting point.
Which element on the Periodic Table is in Group 18, but only has 2 valence electrons?
Why is Hydrogen placed in Group 1, even though it is not an Alkali Metal?
Because it has one valence electron.
If an atom is electrically neutral, then it should have equal number of ______.
Protons and Electrons
An element's name is give by the number of _____.
Protons (Atomic Number)
Describe the Melting Point of Metals
Metals have a high melting point.
Elements in which group of the Periodic Table are not reactive?
Noble Gasses (Group 18)
Most elements that touch the staircase on The Periodic Table are classified as _______.
Almost all of an atom's mass is located in the _____.
If sodium loses one electron, what charge would it form?
What types of elements are described by the following:
Solid, Shiny, Malleable, Conducts Electricity
Which two groups on the Periodic Table are most reactive?
Alkali Metals (Group 1) and Halogens (Group 17)
What does an element's decimal number rounded tell you?
Mass Number
What is the name for the model of an atom that we draw in class?
The Bohr Model
If an atom has 50 Protons and 48 Electrons, what could you do to keep it the same element, but make it neutral?
Add 2 Electrons.
What is the most reactive Alkali Metal? Why?
Francium, because it is farthest down Group 1.
Which Group should the following element characteristics be placed in?
1 valence electron, highly reactive, malleable
Group 1
What is the most reactive Halogen? Why?
Fluorine, because reactivity for the Halogens increases as you go up the group.