Extended Structures

This is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided.

What is an atom?


This is a group of two or more atoms held together by a chemical bond.

What is a molecule?


True or False? -- At 24 molecules, polyester is the largest extended structure. Extended structures cannot grow any larger than 24 molecules.

What is "false".


This is what is created when atoms come together and share their electrons to create a molecule.

What is a chemical bond?


The meaning of the word atom is...

What is "cannot be divided".

What is the common name of H2o?

What is water?


This is what the subunit of molecules is called in an extended structure.

What is an "ester"?


Identify how many bonds, elements, and atoms are present in this ammonia molecule.

What are 3 bonds, 2 elements, and 4 atoms.


This is the subatomic particle of an atom that measures its "atomic mass".

What is a proton?


What is the common name of CO2?

What is Carbon Dioxide?


Fill in the blank! -- Salt is made up of 4 chlorine atoms and 4 sodium atoms. The ratio of chlorine to salt is 1:1. That means that there is an equal number of each atom in the molecule. This is an example of identifying the ______ of atoms in a molecule.

What is the ratio of atoms in a molecule?


In molecular models, how can we identify the number of atoms, elements, & bonds?

1. Count the atom spheres that represent the atoms.

2. Count the number of colors.

3. Count the sticks.


This is the positively charged subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom. 

What is a proton?


True or False? -- All molecules contain the same number of atoms. Explain why this is true or false.

What is false? -- All molecules DO NOT contain the same number of atoms. The number of atoms in different molecules varies greatly.


In the molecule H2O, there are how many hydrogen atoms? How many oxygen atoms? -- What is the name of this molecule?

There are 2 hydrogen atoms & 1 oxygen atom. -- What is water?


Identify the number of atoms and elements in this compound (extended structure). What elements are present in this compound? Can you guess the name of this extendned structure? -- C12H22O11

There are: 3 elements, 45 atoms. -- Sugar