In a kids' game an unpaired queen is this; if you're holding it as the last card you lose
Old Maid
Enacted in 1890 the U.S. govt.'s first law of this kind was named for Ohio senator John Sherman
Secrecy or a type of agreement not to disclose details publicly
John MacAdam was the Scottish-born chemist for whom this nut is named
Energy and matter can be converted into each other using this very famous equation from 1905.
Ochos Locos as its name suggests is an Android app for this card came.
Crazy Eights
Many cars these days come equipped with this sophisticated stopping device
Anti-Lock Brakes
It's the removal of harmful substances such as radioactive material or poisonous gas from an area
2 types of this nut are English & black; when buying ones in the shell avoid shells with holes or cracks
The basic states of matter are solid, liquid, and this.
Hold the gin & deal 7 cards when 3 or 4 play this game instead of just 2 people
Add a letter to anti to get this word for a shenanigan
The emission of light by living organisms like fireflies
Grown in Georgia this hickory family nut is a prime ingredient in Tanya Holland's chocolate bourbon pie recipe
A 1964 prediction said this 2-named subatomic particle imparts mass to all known elementary particles. For this reason it has been given the name "The God Particle"
The Higgs Bozon
In a variant of this game instead of Do you have any aces? you ask for an ace of a specific suit
Go Fish
They're y-shaped protein molecules produced by B cells as a primary immune defense
It's a refusal to obey orders or submit to authority in the military
Pistachios are rich in this bone-building mineral that also helps with muscle contraction
All forms of matter have this property the resistance of an object to a change in its state of motion.
In 1959 a championship for this card game debuted on TV with Charles Goren providing the play-by-play.
It's a protagonist who lacks the typical qualities of great courage or morality.
Film industry position of the person who oversees the camerawork & the lighting
In Australia this 2-word nuts seeds & dried fruit combo is known as scroggin...wait a minute; where did you get M&Ms?
Trail Mix
Hydrogen & helium which make up 98% of atomic matter were formed during the first few minutes after this event. (Hint: Massive Explosion).
The Big Bang