What is another name for enemies
"Wakanda Forever"
Black Panther
Dr. Suess taught you what breakfast meal
Green eggs and Ham
Taste the Rainbow
What is the name of the last day of the week in the United States
Which wrestler-turned actor voices a character in Disney's Moana Movie
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
"May the force be with you"
Star Wars
Who had a great fall off a wall
Humpty Dumpty
What U.S. President is on a 5 dollar bill (First and last name
Abraham Lincoln
What Kardashian is missing,
Kim, Khole, Robert, Kris
"Hasta la vista, baby"
She broke into the Bears's house, and eat their food
sour then sweet
Sour patch kids
Who was the first Black American President (First and last name)
Barack Obama (for extra 300) what number president was he?
What do we call Korean girl music groups in America
“To infinity and beyond!”
Toy Story
She went to her grandmother's house only to find an imposter
Little red riding hood and the big bad wolf
Gimme a break, break me off a piece of that
Kit Kat bar
What month does President's day fall in
What do you call a person who has a lot of Followers
"Say hello to my little friend"
Two of three houses couldn't withstand strong winds
Three little pigs
Melts in your mouth, not in your hand
M & M
What President was the star in the TV show "The Apprentice" (First and Last name)
Donald Trump