What are the five types of missions run in ROTC?
MTC, Attack, Defense, Raid, Ambush
What does OPORD stand for and when is it used?
An operation order is used to convey a detailed plan to subordinate units
What is the purpose of an attack?
seize key terrain from enemy forces in order to allow freedom of maneuver or to gain key terrain
What does WARNORD stand for and when is it used?
Warning Order is used to give subordinates a heads-up about an upcoming order or action to prepare
9 Lines
What mission should you run if you are tasked to occupy a location?
What are the 5 Ws that must be included in the mission statement?
Who, What, Where, When, Why
What are the three types of special teams?
Aid and Litter, EPW, and Demo
What does FRAGORD stand for and when is it used?
A Fragmentary Order is used when the situation or mission changes and requires immediate action
205 yards
Hasty Attack
What is the order of succession for leaders?
Who should the PL bring on the leader's recon?
PL, RTO, Pointman, all SLs, security squad.
What does ORP stand for?
objective rally point
What are the key leaders radio call sign using Dragon.
hint dragon #
PL- Dragon 6
PSG- Dragon 7
SL 1- Dragon 1
SL 2- Dragon 2
SL 3- Dragon 3
SL 4- Dragon 4
What is the difference between a raid and an ambush?
A raid is a surprise attack on a location while an ambush is a surprise attack on a moving enemy force.
Name 2 types of rehearsals.
Back Briefing, ROC drill, down gunner drill, special teams practice
What are three things the PSG should be doing during the Leader's Recon?
PSG should be collecting LACE reports, passing out the GOTWA and OPORD to Team Leaders, and making a ruck plan
What does GOTWA stand for?
Where I'm going, others I'm taking, time of my return, what to do if I don't return, actions to take if you take contact and actions to take if I take contact.
Name the 10 Army PRTs.
Bend and reach, bend leg body twist, the push-up, rear lunge, forward lunge, high jumper, windmill, squad bender, prone row, rower
What is Battle Drill 6?
Clearing a room
What are the 5 paragraphs of an OPORD and who briefs them?
Situation- PL
Mission- PL
Execution- PL
Sustainment- PSG
Command and Signal- RTO
What are the Troop Leading Procedures?
Receive the mission
Issue the warning order
Make tentative plan
Initiate necessary movement
Conduct recon
Complete the plan
Issue orders
Supervise and refine
What does SALUTE report stand for?
Size, Activity, Location, Uniform, Time (of observation), Equipment
What school did CPT Deleon teach at?
University of Iowa