Order the Intros
Paradis/Titan Facts
Name the Death

The man also known as “Humanity’s Strongest Soldier” and is described as equal to an entire brigade.

Who is Levi Ackerman?


The intro called “The Rumbling” which contains a lot of screaming lyrics and shots of the Titan Shifters.

What is the seventh Attack on Titan intro?


The estimated amount of time that passed from when the first Founding Titan died to when the show takes place.

What is 2,000 years?


The maximum amount of time a Titan shifter can live for after inheriting one of the Nine Titans.

What is 13 years?


They got stuck under their crushed home, making them unable to escape the Titan that killed them.

What is Carla Jaeger’s Death?


The fifteenth and last known commander of the scouts.

Who is Armin Arlert?


The intro called “Guren no Yumiya” or “Crimson Bow and Arrow” both which starts and ends with the main cast standing in a group.

What is the first Attack on Titan intro?


The names of the Founder Ymir’s first descendants as well as the names of the three Walls on Paradis.

Who are Maria, Rose, and Sina?


A type of Titan that behaves differently from others.  If given a choice between a few soldiers near it and a distant but densely populated city, it would choose to go after the city.

What is an Abnormal Titan?


This Warrior Candidate was crushed by a flying boulder during the Declaration of War in Liberio.

What is Zofia Reitsch’s Death?


The twelfth commander of the Scouts and the only one of them who retired instead of being killed by a Titan.  However, by the end of the series, he too ended up dead when he sacrificed himself for the main cast.

Who is Keith Shadis?


The intro called “Shinzou Wo Sasageyo” or “Give Your Heart” which contains several scenes of hoards of Titans as well as of the main cast getting ready for battle.

What is the third Attack on Titan intro?


The family that was recognized as the first Eldian family to fight back against their fellow Eldians in order to help Marley, earning themselves a noble status.

What is the Tybur family?


The regiment whose job is to maintain and enforce the Three Walls.

What is the Garrison Regiment?


They crawled out of the water and shot at their enemies, only to be killed by one of them.  Their killer shot their anchor into their throat.

What is Floch Foster’s Death?


One of the Anti-Marley Volunteers who was taken from his homeland by Marley.  He helped the Scouts make their way to Eren’s Founding Titan to stop the Rumbling.

Who is Onyankopon?


The intro called “Red Swan” which consists solely of moments from the time that some of the cast members were children.

What is the fourth Attack on Titan intro?


A civil war in the Eldian Empire where the Titan families fought for power, leading to the fall of their Empire.

What was the Great Titan War?


The average amount of time it takes for a Titan to fully regenerate its head.

What is two minutes?


They were in a meeting with others in their regiment in their office.  However, someone brought an explosive in their to assassinate them.

What is Dallas Zachary’s Death?


The second to last wielder of the Beast Titan whose Titan form resembled a sheep.

Who is Tom Ksaver?


The intro called “Boku no Sensou” or “My War” which has visuals that look like they’re made of ice aside from the occasional explosions of color. 

What is the sixth Attack on Titan intro?


The 145th King of the Eldian Empire told the world that if his kingdom were attacked, he’d unleash the tens of millions of Colossal Titans within his Walls and have them flatten the entire world.

What was King Fritz’s final warning?


The Outlier District that the Female Titan was captured after fighting the Attack Titan and the Scouts.

What is Stohess?


They were guarding the Flying Boat with their friend when two of their old friends show up and start fighting them.  They tried to kill the two who wanted to get on the Flying Boat but ended up getting shot after watching the other guard die.

What is Samuel Linke-Jackson’s Death?