Attending school is optional.
False! School attendance is mandatory.
How does my being absent impact the whole class?
Instruction becomes delayed or disrupted in attempts to catch those up and keep the pace of the instruction consistent.
Act out three things you can do to make sure you get to school on time.
(Setting an alarm clock, going to bed early, packing your lunch at night, setting out your clothes the night before, showering at night, eating breakfast at school.)
Who is responsible to ensure a child's attendance?
Students, Parents, School leaders and Community Leaders.
Draw yourself setting an alarm clock
Use art materials provided.
Missing school impacts my learning.
True! When you miss school, you miss important instruction.
What happens to a child's social development if they miss too much school?
Lag behind peers and find it difficult to keep with with all aspects of the school and classroom community.
Act out how your future could be impacted if you miss too much school.
Acting out receiving a bad report card. Act out feeling discouraged. Act out failing and repeating a grade. Act out not graduating. Act out having a hard time finding a job, etc.
What does it mean to be chronically absent?
Absences at or above 10% of the school year (around 18 for a school year of 180 days).
If I wake up late, I might as well stay home.
False! Being tardy is better than being absent.
What happens if I live in another school zone or district?
You will need to enroll at the school for which you are zoned.
Act out how the classroom and teacher are impacted when you miss too much school.
Teacher has to reteach material and provide make up work when other students are ready to keep going.
When is CCPS required by the state to take action when student absences accumulate?
A letter will be sent to parents when a student has 3 unexcused absences. Plans should be developed to help get students to school and a truancy petition with the courts should be filed if a student has five unexcused absences in a month or 10 in the academic year.
Setting an alarm clock can help me get up on time.
What are some potential consequences for students with poor attendance versus students with good attendance?
1) there are higher drop out rates
2) Poor work habits that extend beyond school and impact a person in the workforce.
3) Socially disconnected from peer group and school community.
Act out getting an award for good attendance.
Excitement, happiness, joy, laughter
What are some things that parents can do to help minimize their children missing school?
Build regular routines for bed time and morning. Avoid medical appointments and family trips during school times. Develop back up plans for getting to school if a problem occurs (family member, neighbor or another parent from school).
Staying up late doesn't effect my attendance.
False! If you get enough sleep, you will be well rested and getting up in the morning will be easier and you will be less likely to miss school.
How can being absent impact your grades?
Missed instruction means you're not learning new information that will be reviewed for quizzes and tests, having a direct impact on your grades.
Act out getting a good night's sleep and being ready and on time for school the next morning.
Looking well rested and feeling energetic