What is Down Syndrome?
3 instead of 2 on 21 chromosome
Trisomy 21
What is normative development?
What is positive stress response?
Activation of the stress reponse for a short period of time. A protective response.
How might ASD affect a child’s communication skills
Language development might be delayed
Large vocabulary
Poor timing of communication
May get stuck on a particular topic
May have difficulties sharing information between environments/people.
May have a monotone/flat quality to voice.
Define macroculture and give an example.
Shared values and beliefs of a large group/country/institution, etc
Example: University policies
What are environment risk factors? Give an example
Factors in the environment that can occur pre, peri and post-natally that may lead to negative outcomes.
Example: accident, biohazard exposure
What are the four primary functions of behaviour?
What is the means of behaviour?
How a child communicates; through a behaviour, oral communication.
What are extrinsic protective factors? Give an example.
Protective factors found around a person.
Supportive group of friends.
Safe housing
What are two developmental impacts of an LD?
Cognitive: difficulties recalling letters/numbers (sequence)
Emotional: may experience anxiety, frustration
Social: may be easily frustrated
Language: slow to develop
List three factors to consider when investigating behaviour.
Communication Abilities
Diagnosis/learning needs
Sensory needs
What are four primary characteristics of FAS?
Poor working memory
Slow processing
Poor abstract reasoning
Difficulties managing emotions
Difficulty sequencing tasks
What are biological risk factors. Give an example
Occurs when prenatal, perinatal and postnatal events occur to increase likelihood of developmental concerns
Example; alcohol exposure during pregnancy
How could ASD affect a child’s play skills?
Define inclusion.
Inclusive education means that all students attend together; to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of the life of the school.
Inclusive education is about the development and design of schools, classrooms, programs and activities so that all students learn and participate together.
How might DS affect a child’s communication development/skills?
Spoken language is delayed relative to cognitive development
Good early communication skills
Strength in learning vocabulary
Weakness in learning grammar
Difficulties speaking clearly
Same developmental order and pattern
Describe “good fit”
When the environment, materials and attitudes (support) around the person meet their needs (developmental).
All behaviour is ______.
What are the three reasons why a child might seek out an adult (attention for connection)?
Basic need to be met (food, drink, shelter)
To fee safe and secure
Give three ways an ECE instructor can promote resiliency in a child?
Model problem solving
Teach emotions
Model how to manage emotions
Model how to mange unexpected events