Resource that can be used to visualize the reproductive stages
What is StRAW - The Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop
Most common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal people
What is Anovulation and Menopausal transition?
Additional information about this patient's menstrual cycle history
What is a:
Hx of irregularity, how long does the cycle typically last, and any hx of heavy bleeding?
Most likely diagnosis
What is Perimenopause?
Supplements you would recommend for this patient
What is Vitamin D and Calcium?
This must occur for a person to transition into early menopause
What is Final Menstrual Period, 12 months of amenorrhea
For this patient, name risk factors for uterine cancer
What is Age and AFAB?
Name additional information we should know about this patient's sexual history
What is a:
Risk or concern for STI, Pregnancy, and Reproductive goals?
Name what is the differential diagnosis
What are Pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, and endometrial carcinoma?
Prevention of osteoporosis as she transitions into menopause includes
What are weight-bearing exercises, vitamin D, and calcium supplementation?
During early menopausal transition, patients can expect what variation in cycle length
What is 7 or more days?
Hormone fluctuations during the menopausal transition
What are FSH, AMH, Inhibin B?
ROS items would you like to address with the patient
What are hot flashes, change in mood, vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse, galactorrhea, breast pain, tachycardia, sleep disturbance?
Labs would you order today
What is a Urine pregnancy test?
HCM to address with this patient
During the late menopausal transition, amenorrhea lasts for at least this long
What is 60 or more days?
Red flag symptoms to look out for in this case
What is heavy bleeding, abdominal bloating/pain, fever, fatigue?
Systems would you focus on during the physical exam
What is Neck (thyroid), skin and hair, MSK?
The most important thing to rule out for this patient
What are pregnancy, malignancy, and hyperthyroidism?
Resources we can provide our patient to understand better the stages of menopause
What is a support group or online resources such as “The Pause Life”?
During the menopausal transition, FSH to increase or decrease
What is Increase?
Average age of perimenopause/menopausal transition?
What is 47?
Would you do a pelvic exam in the absence of red flag symptoms?
What is defer the exam?
If concerned this patient was presenting with hyperthyroidism, we might see
What are tachycardia, increased anxiety, and goiter?
Follow-up timeline for the patient
What is an annual exam and if she has any new concerns?