What is Aubrie’s favorite movie
Nacho libre
How tall is Aubrie
5’6 3/4
What is Aubrie’s dream car?
SS Chevelle
What was the name of Aubrie lizard?
who was Aubrie’s childhood best friend?
Rowen King
What is Aubrie favorite ice cream?
Peanut butter chocolate ice cream
What is Aubrie’s hidden talent
She can twist her arm all the way around
What is Aubrie dream summer job?
What is Aubrie favorite potato chips?
spicy dill pickle chips
What is Aubrie’s favorite summer activity as a child?
Redneck slip n slide
What is Aubrie’s Favorite perfume?
Soul de Janeiro 71
What does Aubrie collect?
What is Aubrie’s dream place to travel
What does Aubrie have the most of in her room?
What sport did Aubrie play?
What is Aubrie’s favorite song
Wondering why
How many bunnies has Aubrie had in her lifetime?
What is Aubrie’s dream job?
What was Aubrie favorite phase?
“Skater girl”
What animal is Aubrie obsessed with as a child
What is Aubrie’s favorite perfume?
Soul de Janeiro 71
What is Aubrie’s dream job?
Testing 5 star hotels
What is Aubrie’s dream location?
What obsession did Aubrie NOT have?
Who did Aubrie look up to?
Maddison Ray