This is where you find a listing of all courses offered in a semester, as well as their class meeting times and locations, professor, and unique number.
A five-digit number which identifies a particular section of a course. (You'll need this number to register.)
What is the unique number?
The University of Texas at Austin's most recognizable landmark and symbol, it was completed in 1937. At 307 feet, the 27-floor building can be seen from almost any location in Austin.
What is CP, CR, EC, FW, FA, IF, LA, LS, NR, PRC, RR, WC, or WL?
These are the people who can assist you with registration, as well as help you learn about educational options, degree requirements, and academic policies and procedures (among many other things.)
Who are academic advisors?
In Fall 2013, this course had the unique number 39610.
What is HIS 315G?
A Texas longhorn, it has been the school's mascot since 1916.