Newest building on campus
What is DPS's number?
How many math placement groups are there?
What is the oldest park in Minneapolis?
Murphy Square
What is the current student government called?
Augsburg Day Student Government
The building where the Gage Center and CLASS office is located
Lindell Library
Undocumented students in Augsburg are just:
Augsburg students that happened to be undocumented.
How many religious class do you need to take?
What is the tallest skyscraper in Minneapolis?
IDS Center
Where is Campus Kitchen located at?
Hagfors 108
Two of the most common yet oldest dorm building on campus
The counseling, crisis and mental health support program in Augsburg
How many credits do you need to graduate?
What is the population of Minneapolis as of 2020?
429,000-430,000 (429,524)
Where is CWC located at?
Anderson Hall
Where both Nabo and the StepUP program is located
Oren Gateway Center
Those who are under age, intoxicated, or unconscious cannot give:
Name a class every first-year is required to take on their first semester
What is Minneapolis known for/nickname?
City of Lakes
Edor Nelson Field
An indoor "heavenly" place for our athletics
Kennedy Center
She did not do her work properly
What is ELP?
Emerging Leaders Program
What is the closest neighborhood in Minneapolis to Augsburg?
What is the Augsburg mascot?
The Auggie Eagle