What does CNDF stand for?
Canadian National Debate Format
PROP: THBT a world where people do not experience extreme emotions would be better than our current world
People will not experience extreme negative emotions, leads to more rationality, etc
THW ban meat
Opp: "Meat should not be banned because it is important to many traditions, like Thanksgiving."
There are alternatives, the argument is not important, etc
What letter does my middle name start with?
What are the responsibilities of the Second Opp speaker?
Rebuttal, reconstruction, point
OPP: THBT the US government should ban TikTok
Hurts free speech, could lead to retaliation, etc
THW punish parents for the crimes of their children
Prop: "Since parents raise their child, they are responsible for teaching them that crimes are wrong. If they have failed to do that, they deserve to be punished."
Parents are not responsible, they don't deserve to be punished, etc
When did I start debating? (what grade)
Grade 6
What does PAEIL stand for?
Point, Analysis, Evidence, Impact, Link
PROP: THW ban alcohol
TH, as Canada, W invest more in our military
Prop: "If we don't invest more in our military we will be too reliant on the US for military support, which would be awful if we got invaded and the US chooses not to help us."
The US will help us anyways, Canada won't get invaded, etc
What's my favourite genre of music?
What sites should you be using to research during prep time?
PROP: THW force citizens to volunteer for 6 months to mitigate the effects of environmental pollution and climate change (e.g. picking up litter, planting trees in places with smog)
Helps the environment, builds habits, etc
THW ban advertising
Prop: "Lots of advertising is false advertising, which tricks people into buying products without knowing the accurate information about them."
It's illegal, looks bad for the company's PR, etc
What's my favourite shoe brand?
What is "Actor analysis"?
Think of the different groups, or "actors", affected by the motion
PROP: THBT governments should provide funding for struggling artists
Leads to more diverse art, helps individual artists, etc
THW allow ex-convicts to apply to join the police force
Opp: "This is very unsafe because the ex convicts could commit crimes while they are in the police force."
There are intense screening processes, ex convicts have already served their sentence, etc
What province of China is my mom from?