TV Smash-Up
Night at the Museum
Numerical Place Names
"Lady"s First

The Flat Iron building, seen here, is located in this American city

Where is New York?


Shaun and Michaella get together to discuss the challenges of being an autistic surgeon versus a frontier doc.

What is The Good Doctor Quinn, Medicine Woman?


Camille Pissarro painted over a dozen views of this European capital's boulevard Montmartre, only one of them at night

What is Paris?


The coronation oath he took in 2023 had some minor changes since it was last taken in 1953

Who is King Charles?


This road that serves as a border between Detroit and its northern suburbs was made somewhat famous by Eminem

What is 8 Mile?


Seen here, this insect's spots & bright color signal to predators that it will taste really bad if eaten

What is a ladybug?


In 1989, this architectural feature was torn down, reuniting former countrymen.

What is the Berlin Wall?


DJ, Fernando, and Max figure out what's wrong in consultation with a curmudgeonly doc with a limp.

What is Fuller House MD?


Perhaps better known for a similar painting, he also painted "Starry Night Over the Rhone", seen here:

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?


Though not in the Constitution, these four words are typically spoken at the end of the presidential oath of office

What is "so help me God"?


Though it only has four, this Jamaican resort town's name is Spanish for eight rivers

What is Ocho Rios?


A famous scene from this 1955 Disney film is nicknamed the "spaghetti kiss"

What is Lady & the Tramp?


The famous Catholic church, pictured here, lies near the coast of the Mediterranean in this European country.

What is Spain (Barcelona)? ( the Sangra Familia)


A British time-traveling "time lord" attempts to answer a series of questions to win seven figures.

What is Doctor Who Wants to be a Millionaire?


He followed up his "Pietà" by sculpting "Day", "Dawn" , "Dusk" & "Night" for the tomb of the Medicis in Florence

Who is Michelangelo?


In 2000, the word "doping" was first included in the oath for participants of this event, being held in Australia

What are the Olympics?


This strip of land in the Susquehanna River, seen here, was the scene of a big scare in 1979

What is Three Mile Island?


This pop star said she died her hair blonde because she was tired of constantly being confused with Amy Winehouse

Who is Lady Gaga?


The four major kinds of these architectural features are ionic, doric, corinthian, and tuscan.

What are columns?


Archie Bunker sits in his armchair and guesses on the top answers to survey questions asked of 100 Americans.

What is All in the Family Feud?


Before flowers & bones, the open skies of Texas were one of her early subjects, like the 1917 work "Starlight Night"

Who is Georgia O'Keefe?


One translation of this early oath begins "I swear by Apollo the physician"


This north African capital's name reflects its history as one of 3 ancient neighboring cities

What is Tripoli?


When making a classic tiramisù, these small sponge cakes are soaked in espresso

What are ladyfingers?


The Golden Gate is probably the most famous of this type of bridge in which the deck is hung below cables on vertical supports.


An eighty's police drama series crosses paths with a magician judge and the comedic happenings in his courtroom.

What is In the Heat of the Night Court?


In the early 1920s, he brought the angst of "The Scream" to a series of night sky paintings, some featuring his own shadow

Who is Edvard Munch?


According to "Le Morte d'Arthur" by Sir Thomas Malory, this group was required to take what we know as the Pentecostal Oath

Who are the Knights of the Round Table?


Of the states you can stand in at the Four Corners Monument, it's the one to the northwest

What is Utah?


In legend, King Arthur got his beloved sword Excalibur from this woman who lived underwater

What is the lady of the lake?