What was Jesus' first miracle that was requested by his mother, St. Mary?
To turn water into wine at the wedding of Cana.
The men who prayed in the temple, one thanking God that he was not like the others, and one bowing his head down and asking for mercy, what status's/occupations did they have?
The man bowing was a tax collector while the one comparing himself to others was a Pharisee.
This woman came to Jesus begging for help, despite her low social status and being ignored multiple times. Who was she?
The Canaanite woman.
In what city was Jesus born?
What is the connection between Mary and Elizabeth?
They are cousins.
What is the modern day phenomenon that can turn prayer into a materialistic request?
Social media.
Jesus’ delayed response to the Canaanite woman teaches believers to maintain this even when prayers seem unanswered.
Which apostle was a tax collector?
How do we include St. Mary and other saints through prayer?
We don't pray to the saints, but rather pray through the saints to pray for us.
Why does God take longer to answer some of our prayers?
Patience and Gods perfect timing.
After testing her persistence and humility, Jesus commended this trait of the Canaanite woman, leading to her daughter's healing. What trait did he comment on?
Her faith.
How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves of bread and two fish?
About 5000 men
In Shamasha Allens bible study, who or what was Mary compared to?
She was compared to the Ark of the Covenant in the old testament.
What was the primary message Jesus conveyed through the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector.
To have humility before God.
Jesus tested the Canaanite woman by saying, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." She responded with this humble remark.
"Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table."
St. Paul instructs us to present our bodies as living sacrifices, pleasing to God. How can we accomplish this in our daily lives. (We are looking for multiple answers)
By keeping our faith and relationship with the Lord, attending church, avoiding evil, and doing good works.
How was the creation of the 10 commandments in the old testament related to Mary and the birth of Christ?
She is carrying the living and life giving bread of life and the high priest himself. (The writer and owner of the 10 commandments.)
Why was there a comparison between the unjust judge and God within our bible study?
It's not to show the similarities, but to show what the opposite of God is.
What was the location where Jesus met the Canaanite woman?
Tyre and Sidon.
What is the word that describes when someones relationship with the church/Christianity is strained, leaving them to be more of a worldy person?