Pope during Luther's early ministry
Who was Leo X?
Papa Luther's reaction to Luther's choice to become a monk.
What is disappointment or anger?
How Luther perceived the difficulties associated with the #monklife.
What is a hard life?
The authority Luther placed the pope under.
What is Scripture
Said, "When the metal coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs."
Who was Johann Tetzel?
The elector of Saxony.
Who was Frederick the Wise?
Occupation that papa Luther wanted Luther to fill.
What is a lawyer?
Luther's favorite past time as a monk.
What is confession?
The breakthrough Luther experienced early on in his preaching.
What is justification by faith and what is Jesus also had Anfechtung?
Luther's debate partner over the pope's authority.
Who was John Eck?
Luther's two wingmen.
Who were Melanchthon and Carlstadt?
Saint whom Luther called on in the thunderstorm
Who is St. Anne?
Luther's mentor/confessor while he was a monk.
Who was Johann von Staupitz?
The date Luther hung the 95 Theses.
When was October 31, 1517 or All Saints' Eve.
Who was Desiderius Erasmus?
Holy Roman Emperor at the time of Luther's excommunication.
Who was Charles V of Spain?
Language that Luther learned in school
What is Latin?
The monk order that Luther was part of.
What was the order of the Augustinian?
The 2 sacraments which Luther kept out of the original 7.
What is the Lord's Supper and baptism?
People Luther accused of poisoning the pope's decisions.
Who were the cardinals?
Vicar of the Augustinian Order in Wittenberg.
The names of Luther's parents.
Who were Margaret and Hans Luther?
The word which Luther used to describe his extreme anguish.
What is Anfechtung?
The early Reformer with whom Luther identified himself.
2 men who published the bull of excommunication against Luther
Who were John Eck and Jerome Aleander?