Right Ear, unmasked, air conduction thresholds use this symbol.
What is a Red Circle?
Any therapy used to improve the speech and communication of the hearing impaired.
What is the definition of Aural Rehabilitation?
Instruction, guided learning and real-world practice.
What are the 3 stages of communication strategies training?
Components of a hearing aid.
What is a microphone, receiver, amplifier and battery source?
Syllable counting, Word stress, Vowel and consonant phonemes, High-and low frequency identification, and Minimal pairs.
What are examples of analytic auditory training?
The level that is just high enough for the subject to be aware of the sound at least 50% of the times it is presented.
What is threshold?
Audiologists and Speech Pathologists are the only providers.
What professionals provide Aural Rehabilitation?
Repeat, rephrase, build from what is known, clear speech.
What are repair strategies in communication training?
A hearing device that combines the technology of a hearing aid and a cochlear implant.
What is a Hybrid implant?
The simultaneous presence of 2 or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient.
What are comorbidities?
Conductive, Sensorineural and Mixed.
What are types of hearing loss?
Cognitive decline, depression, falls, communication barriers, poor quality of life, and higher risk of dementia.
What are the costs of untreated hearing loss?
Informational counseling and personal adjustment counseling.
What are two types of counseling in AR?
Best choice of hearing aid for a patient with chronic drainage from the ear.
What is a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid?
Detection, discrimination, identification, comprehension and cognitive language skills.
What is the auditory hierarchy?
Hearing loss in both ears.
What is bilateral hearing loss?
Expensive devices, training labor intensive, poor reimbursement, lack of professionals and lack of patient buy-in.
What are the obstacles of Aural Rehabilitation?
Reassurance and persuasion.
What are two pitfalls to avoid when counseling hard of hearing adults?
Hearing device that bypasses the outer and middle ear and delivers sound via bone vibration through the mastoid.
What is the baha?
Mainstream culture in the U.S. that includes spoken language communication.
What is the Hearing Culture?
Left ear, unmasked, air conduction threshold symbol.
What is the blue X?
Research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values.
What is evidence-based practice?
Cognitive, behavioral and affective.
What are 3 approaches to personal adjustment counseling?
Device intended to help with soft sounds that are
difficult for individuals with normal hearing to hear. (ex. Hunting, bird watching, lectures)
Not for treatment of hearing loss. Not medical devices.
What is a PSAP (Personal Sound Amplification Product)?
Continuous discourse tracking for speech and in noise; Information transfer activities; Variations on open-set tasks; Sentence predictability; Open-set sentences; Comprehension tasks; Scripted conversation; Games and interactive activities.
What are examples of synthetic auditory training exercises?