Hearing Aids
Effective Communication
Hearing Anatomy/Physiology

Fact or Fiction?

It is possible, in some cases, for hearing aids to completely restore hearing.


Hearing aids amplify sound, which improves an individual's ability to hear and understand speech, but they do not completely restore hearing.


Fact or Fiction?

High-frequency hearing loss affects the ability to hear low-pitched sounds more than high-pitched sounds.


High-frequency hearing loss primarily affects the ability to hear high-pitched sounds, making it difficult to understand speech, especially consonants.


Fact or Fiction?

The cochlea is a part of the inner ear.


The cochlea is a spiral-shaped organ in the inner ear that converts sound vibrations into neural signals.


Peter is having trouble hearing the announcements at the airport. He is worried he might miss an important announcement about his flight. What should he do?

a) Walk to a different terminal and find a quieter area

b) Use a smartphone app for live transcription 

c) Increase the volume of his hearing aids

d) Ask someone nearby to repeat the announcements for him

b) Use a smartphone app for live transcription

Live transcription through an app can provide real-time text of announcements. That way, Peter can more clearly understand important information in this noisy environment. The other options may not address the clarity of speech or practicality in a noisy environment.


What is the term for reading lips and using visual cues to support in understanding speech?

Speech reading (lip reading).


Fact or Fiction?

Modern hearing aids can be connected to smartphones, TVs, and other devices.


Many modern hearing aids have Bluetooth connectivity, allowing them to connect to smartphones and other devices.


Fact or Fiction?

Speech therapy can help individuals with hearing loss improve their communication skills.



Fact or Fiction?

The eardrum separates the outer ear from the inner ear. 


The eardrum separates the outer ear from the middle ear, not the inner ear. The eardrum (tympanic membrane) vibrates in response to sound waves, transmitting these vibrations to the middle ear bones.


Linda notices that, lately, one of her hearing aid batteries has been draining too fast. She consults her audiologist who provides potential solutions to improve the battery life. Which of the following is the most likely recommendation she received from her audiologist?

a) Purchase a newer model of hearing aids

b) Increase the volume settings on her hearing aids

c) Store spare batteries in her pocket to have replacements on hand at all times

d) Open the battery door on her hearing aids before storing them each night

e) Avoid using her hearing aids in noisy environments

d) Open the battery door on her hearing aids before storing them each night

Keeping the door open allows air to circulate and reduces moisture build up, which can help extend battery life.


Name the three types of hearing loss.

Sensorineural, Conductive, and Mixed


Fact or Fiction?

Hearing aids are typically only used by older individuals.


Hearing aids can be used by individuals of all ages, depending on their needs and preferences.


Fact or Fiction?

Speech reading, gestures, and closed captions are some examples of visual cues that aid in speech comprehension, but they do not aid in effective communication.


Speech reading, gestures, and closed captions are types of visual cues. These cues aid in speech comprehension which, in turn, promotes effective communication.


Fact or Fiction?

Ear wax is beneficial for a few reasons, one being that it helps to prevent infections in the ear canal.

Bonus: +100 additional points if you can state the medical name for earwax.


Ear wax is considered to be a natural antibiotic because it contains antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Bonus Answer: Cerumen


John, who has a hearing loss, is at a family party. He is standing in a group where everyone is talking at once. He finds it difficult to follow the conversation and feels left out. What should John do?

a) Nod along and pretend to understand

b) Move to a quieter room with fewer people

c) Leave the family party

d) Ask his brother to summarize the conversation for him

e) Ask his family members to speak one at a time

f) Turn up the volume on his hearing aids

e) Ask his family members to speak one at a time

Reducing overlapping speech would make the conversation easier to follow, not only for John but for everyone in the group.


Fact or Fiction?

The hair cells in the cochlea can regenerate if damaged.


Once the hair cells in the cochlea are damaged, they do not regenerate, which can lead to permanent hearing loss.


Fact or Fiction?

Hearing aids are only necessary and beneficial for severe hearing loss.


Hearing aids can benefit individuals with any degree of hearing loss (mild to severe) and can be customized to fit their unique needs.


What is one strategy that a communication partner can use to help support effective communication?

Any one of the following answers are correct:

Speak clearly; Speak at a moderate pace; Gain listener's attention before speaking; Be patient; Choose quiet locations for conversation; Use visual aids/gestures to support message; Reduce background noise; Ensure good lighting; Repeat information as needed; Confirm listener's understanding; Encourage the use of hearing aids or other assistive devices


The semicircular canals in the inner ear are filled with fluid and help maintain _____.

a) Coordination of eye movements

b) Hearing acuity

c) Spatial orientation

d) Sensory regulation

c) Spatial orientation

The semicircular canals detect rotational movements of the head, helping to maintain balance and spatial orientation.


Chris, who has hearing loss, is cooking dinner in the kitchen while his wife, Paige, is setting the table in the dining room. Paige calls out a question to Chris from the other room. The noise in the kitchen and the fact that Paige is in another room make it difficult for Chris to respond to the question. What should Chris do?

a) Ask Paige to repeat her question

b) Ask Paige to come into the kitchen to ask her question

c) Ask if the question can wait until after he is done cooking and background noise is reduced

d) Turn off the kitchen appliances to reduce background noise

e) Use a hearing aid with a directional microphone to better hear Paige

f) Shout back and ask Paige if she can speak louder

b) Ask Paige to come into the kitchen to ask her question

Asking Paige to come into the kitchen would reduce the distance and noise interference, allowing Christopher to better see and hear her and ensuring effective communication.


Fact or Fiction?

Q-tips are a good way to keep your ears clean.


Using Q-tips to clean your ears is unsafe because it can push earwax further into the ear canal and potentially cause damage to the eardrum. 

Fun Fact: Ears are self-cleaning. The ear canal naturally moves earwax and debris out of the ear on its own.


Fact or Fiction?

Hearing aids amplify all sounds, including background noise.


Hearing aids are designed to amplify speech frequencies more than other sounds, helping to improve clarity of speech while minimizing background noise.


When communicating with someone with hearing loss, why is it important to avoid covering your mouth?

To allow the person to lip-read (speech read) and see facial expressions, which are important visual cues for understanding speech.

**A correct answer must include either "lip-reading", "speech reading", "facial expressions", or "visual cues"**


There are three tiny bones, called ossicles, in the middle ear. Their function is transmit vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear. Name one of these three tiny bones.

Bonus: One of these three is the smallest bone in the human body. +100 additional bonus points if you can name it.

Any one of the following answers is correct:

Malleus; Incus; Stapes

Bonus: The stapes is the smallest bone in the human body.


Molly, who has hearing loss, frequently forgets her hearing aids at home. She is happy that she didn't forget them today as she is attending an important lecture. As she walks in to the large auditorium, she notices a blue sign that has an ear symbol and a 't' on it. When the presentation begins, she is finding it difficult to hear the speaker from her seat in the second to last row of the large space. What should Molly do?

a) Move to a seat closer to the front.

b) Ask the speaker to use a microphone.

c) Use a hearing loop system if available.

d) Record the lecture to listen to later.

e) Ask a friend to take notes for her.

f) Use noise-canceling headphones.

g) Read the lecture slides online later.

h) Switch her hearing aids to telecoil ("T") mode

h) Switch her hearing aids to telecoil ("T") mode

The blue sign with the ear symbol and "t" indicates that the auditorium has a hearing loop system installed. Switching to telecoil ("T") mode allows Molly's hearing aids to directly pick up the sound transmitted by the loop system. This would allow her to hear the speaker with clearer and more amplified audio.


Which animal has the ability to hear sounds up to 200,000 Hz, which is far beyond human capability?

a) Owls

b) Cats

c) Bats

d) Moths

b) Bats