General Knowledge

What information do we collect about shareholders/ directors?

1) Date of Birth

2) Country of Residence

3)Full Name


Business name: George Family Trust & Fiona Family Trust
Entity type on ABN document: Other Partnership

We need trust deed for both trust?



Beneficiary for unit trust is also known as _______?

Unit Holders

Bonus: Deduct 200 points from your opponent


True or false, if biz category indicate, holdings, chemicals or government services, DD agent has to escalate the case to CDD?



Whose information i.e (full name, dob, cor and ID document) should we collect for charities and non-profit organisation registered in Australia?

Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and their equivalents.


For Business who provide services or have based operations in Cuba & Sudan, we can proceed with normal verification and onboard the business?

Deactivate / Offboard the customer due to breach of AUP 1.2.3.b and/or 1.2.3.i.

Bonus: Additional 300 points


What is the title of an admin email template to be sent in this case for ABN status is cancelled?

ABN is cancelled.


Charitable trust can be reviewed by Pacific dd agents?

No only DD offshore team can review Charitable trust.


If Asic Company statement or Extract shows External Administrator, what steps do DD agents need to take?

The customer will need to provide evidence / documentation to show the following:

  • The company’s appointed administrator

  • Full name and date of birth of the authorized person of appointed administrator

  • Instructions can only be taken from the authorized person of appointed administrator

We will have to record the EXAD details as a comment in Watson and Ninjas1 (Verification profile), the comment should include:

  • The start date of the external administrator

  • Full name, date of birth and country of residence of the external administrator

  • Name and ACN of the company's appointed administrator (if it is a company)

  • Full name, date of birth, and country of residence of the authorized person of the appointed administrator


True or False if the Watson status is shown as Review Needed (First Agent Reviewing )for BRC cases, we are supposed to select the Review Incomplete Button under the Refresh Cycle widget if we need more information from the customer?
