why did they take the children?
To learn the children about a new culture and so they could work as a normal citizen.
what was the name of 3 girls in the movie
gracie, molly, daisy
Why did almost nobody try to run from the camp
They were scared of getting spanked in the shed
who build the rabbit fence
What did the moms do to get the children find them
The made animal noises
why did gracie not listen to her sister, and walked to the train station
she trusted a stranger that she could take the train to her mother
what is a didgeridoo?
a instrument the aboriginals use at ceremonies, and often people dancing and other instruments
what year did the kidnapping take place
what is the trackers real name
How long did the girls walk
2414Km (1500 miles)
why was the tracker working at the camp
because he was en bed with a white woman