The country
The people
Life on the countryside
What is Australia called? (Hvad bliver Australien kaldt?)
Australia is called the land down under (Australien bliver kaldt landet down under)
Where do most people in Australia work? (Hvor arbejder de fleste mennesker i Australien?)
Most people in Australia work in buildings (De fleste mennesker i Australien arbejder i bygninger)
What is a marsupial ? (Hvad er et pungdyr?)
A marsupial is an animal that carries its young in a pouch. (Et pungdyr er et dyr, der bærer sin unge i en pung)
What is The Great Barrier Reef made up of ? Hvad består The Great Barrier Reef af?
The Great Barrier Reef is made up of coral and algae. (The Great Barrier Reef består af koraler og alger.)
What is the middle part of the country called? (Hvad bliver den midterste del af landet kaldt?)
The middle part of the country is called the outback (Den midterste del af landet er kalder man “the outback”)
What is the capital of Australia? (Hvad er hovedstaden i Australien?)
The capital of Australia is Canberra (Hovedstaden i Australien er Canberra)
Who were the first people to live in Australia (Hvem var de første mennesker, der levede i Australien?)
The first people to live in Australia were the aborigines (De første mennesker, der levede i Australien var aboriginerne.)
What does it sound like when the kookaburra calls? (Hvad lyder det som, når en latterfugl fløjter?)
It sounds like a laugh when the kookaburra calls. (Det lyder som et grin, når latterfuglen fløjter.)
What is one of the most unique buildings in the world? (Hvad er en af de mest unikke bygninger i verden?)
The Opera House in Sydney is one of the most unique buildings in the world. (Operahuset i Sydney er en af de mest unikke bygninger I verden.)
Which two things are there not a lot of in the outback? (Hvilke two ting er der ikke mange af i ”the outback”?)
There are not a lot of schools/people in the outback. (Der er ikke mange skoler/mennesker i “the outback”.)
How big is Australia? (Hvor stor er Australien?)
Australia is about the size of the United States (Australien er omtrent på størrelse med USA)
What does aboriginal mean? (Hvad betyder aboriginal?)
Aboriginal means the first. (Aboriginer betyder ”de første".)
How many times more sheep than people are there in Australia? (Hvor mange gange flere får end mennesker er der i Australien?)
In Australia there are ten times as many sheep as people. (I Australien er der ti gange så mange får som mennesker.)
What is the name of the giant rock in the Northern Territory ? (Hvad hedder den gigantiske sten i det nordlige teritorium?)
The name of the giant rock in the Northern Territory is Ayers Rock. (Den gigantiske sten i det nordlige teritorium hedder Ayers Rock.)
What is a ranch known as in Australia? (Hvad bliver en kvægfarm kaldt i Australien?)
A ranch is known as a station in Australia. (En kvægfarm bliver kaldt en “station”)
What did the English at first use Australia for? (Hvad brugte englænderne først Australien til?)
Australia was first used as a prison colony by the English. (Australien blev først brugt som en fængselskoloni af englænderne)
What is the national sport in Australia? (Hvad er nationalsporten i Australien?)
The national sport in Australia is cricket. (Nationalsporten i Australien er kricket.)
For how long time does the koala sometimes stay in the same tree? (I hvor lang tid forbliver koalabjørnen nogle gange i det samme træ?)
The koala sometimes stays in the same tree for days. (Koalabjørnen bliver nogle gange i det samme træ i dagevis.)
How long is the Great Barrier Reef? (Hvor lang er Great Barrier Reef?)
The Great Barrier Reef is about 2000 kilometers long. (The Great Barrier Reef er omkring 2000 kilometer lang.)
How is the weather in Australia? (Hvordan er vejret i Australien?)
The weather in Australia is warm/pleasant. (Vejret i Australien er varmt/behageligt.)