Name of the native people of Australia.
Wjat are "The Aboriginals"
Australias's national animal.
What is a Kangaroo ?
This australian actor is known for his role as Wolverine and P.T. Barnum in "The Greatest Showman"
Who is Hugh Jackman
G'day meaning.
What is "good day"?
This city is known as the "Harbor city".
What is Sydney?
Which british man is know for discovering Australia in 1770.
HIV prone animal.
What is a Koala?
This australian rock band is known for giant hits like "Back in Black" and "Highway to Hell"
What is "AC/DC"
Thongs meaning.
What are flip flops/sandals?
Population of Australia. (+-3mil)
What is 27 million?
This was the year the gold fever started in Australia
What is ca. 1850
Native mammal to Australia that lays eggs.
What is a platypus?
This iconic 80's movie features an aussie-bushman who travels to New York City and becomes a cultural sensation.
What is "Crocodile Dundee"
Arvo meaning.
What is "afternoon"?
The capital.
What is Canberra?
The year the first british penal settlement was established. (+-20)
What is 1788?
Largest bird native to Australia.
What is emu?
This belgium-australian singer-songwriter is famous for award winning "Somebody That I Used to Know"
Who is "Gotye"
Sanga meaning.
What is sandwich?
Australias circumference (+-3.000km)
What is roughly 34.000km ?
When did Australia get its independence. (+-20)
1. Januar 1901
The amount of spider species in Australia.
What is about 10.000?
This Australian art form consists of dots and is used to tell stories about nature and cultural heritage
What is "Aboriginal Art"
Hooroo meaning.
What is goodbye?
The country code for Australia