This monotreme has a bill like a duck and tail like a beaver.
What is a platypus?
“Your answer needs to be fair dinkum.”
What is honest or true??
This is a water activity that uses a board.
What is surfing, paddle boarding, wakeboarding, and/or water skiing?
This is what later immigrants of Australia called it its settlers.
What are Aborigines?
This burrowing animal can get as heavy as a 10 year old child at 80lbs!
What is a Wombat?
Cri key!
What is gee? Or more current would be “dude!”
This is a popular type of shoe we wear in the summer.
What is flip flops, sandals, and/or thongs?
Australia and The United States are good friends and long standing _______ .
What is allies?
There are many more of these than people living in Australia.
What is kangaroos?
“I’d like some chips please.”
What is French fries?
This is something that is often ate during camping that has three layers.
What is smores?
True or false, Australia is an independent nation?
What is true?
This endangered animal can only be found on an island off the southern coast of Australia.
What is a Tasmanian Devil?
“Im so hot, I want an ice block!”
What is a popsicle?
With all the “global warming” 🙄 we’re experiencing you’re better wear this.
What is sunscreen or suntan lotion?
This is the reason the Europeans originally settled in Australia.
What is to bring their prisoners from their overcrowded jails and start a penal colony?
This is a cute marsupial that lives in eucalyptus forests.
What is a koala bear?
“My donut has hundreds and thousands.”
What is sprinkles?
This is the "ultimate" summer game.
What is ultimate frisbee?
The settlers coming from Southern Asia spoke around this many different languages.
What is around 200 different languages?