How many rooms are there in Parliament House?
What are the three levels of government?
Local, State and Federal
Who runs the meetings in the Senate?
The president
Who runs the meetings in the House of Representatives?
The Speaker
As part of our democracy we have a special rule book that everyone must follow. What is it called?
The constitution
House of Representatives
Which level of government is responsible for rubbish collection?
Local government
Who sits in the Vice-Regal Chair?
The King or Governor General
What does the Clerk do in the House of Representatives?
Record meeting decisions.
How does everyone have a voice in Australia?
Voting representatives into the House of Representatives and Senate, who will speak on our behalf.
Who is our Prime Minister?
Anthony Albanese
Which level of government is responsible for hospitals?
State Government
Who sits on the cross-bench?
Elected representatives who are not part of the government or opposition.
What role does the Serjeant-at-Arms have in the House of Representatives?
Assists the Speaker to maintain order and helps to run the meetings.
Where did democracy begin?
Ancient Greece
Who is the person in government who represents the King?
Governor General
Which level of government is responsible for defence?
Federal Government
What role does the Usher of the Black Rod have in the Senate?
Assists the President to maintain order and helps run the Senate.
What is the mace?
A symbol of authority in the House of Representatives. At the start of each sitting day, the mace is carried into the House by the Serjeant-at-Arms.
What is the name of the document that was created in 1215 to limit the power of the King?
Magna Carta
What is Royal Assent?
The final approval for a bill signed off by the governor general.
Because the federal parliament and the state parliament can make laws in the same areas, sometimes these laws can conflict. What happens in this situation?
Federal law overrides state laws.
How many senators are elected in to the Senate?
How many members are voted in to the House of Representatives?
Name 3 reasons why the first democracies were not fair.
Women couldn't vote
Poor people who didn't own land couldn't vote
Slaves couldn't vote