Elements of Drama
Dramatic Form

This character is taken from her family as a baby and raised in a white foster home, but longs for her biological mother.

Who is Sandy?


This theme is explored through the evolving relationship between Ana and Catherine, showing how bonds can form between unlikely people.

What is friendship?


This animal symbolizes Ana’s emotional attachment and loyalty, and is her sole companion before she befriends Catherine.

What is Ana's dog?


The tension between these two forces is central to the play, as Aboriginal children are taken from their families.

What is family vs. government authority?


This type of structure, used in Stolen, presents events in disconnected, fragmented episodes rather than a continuous timeline.

What is episodic?


A cheerful and lively young girl who always looks on the bright side despite her traumatic past.

Who is Anne?


The trauma experienced by the characters is caused by this historical policy.

What is forced assimilation?


Jimmy’s wandering symbolizes this deep emotion that affects many of the Stolen Generations.

What is a sense of displacement?


Emotional tension builds as this character experiences mental breakdowns throughout the play.

Who is Ruby?


The play’s non-linear narrative creates this effect, allowing audiences to piece together the characters' histories gradually.

What is fragmented understanding of the story?


This character is Ana’s beloved pet, often referenced as her only companion before she meets Catherine.

Who is Bella?


This theme reflects how Catherine's friendship with Ana helps her deal with personal heartbreak and isolation.

What is emotional healing?


Ruby’s mental deterioration is symbolized by the destruction of this object.

What is the doll's head?


This public space in the neighborhood represents the outside world that both Ana and Catherine struggle to engage with.

What is neighbourhood?


This narrative technique allows for the interweaving of Ana’s past and present experiences, giving the audience insight into her complex character.

What is dual timeline storytelling?


Catherine is deeply affected by this past relationship, which is referenced throughout the play as a source of heartbreak.

Who is Martin?


The characters in Stolen struggle with this as they search for their true selves.

What is identity Crisis?


This space in the neighborhood serves as a symbol of community, bridging Ana and Catherine's lives and breaking down barriers between them.

What is the neighbourhood street?


The fence between Ana and Catherine’s homes is a metaphor for this barrier in their relationship.

What is emotional distance?


This type of thematic resonance is created by the non-linear structure, showing how memories are constantly revisited and relived.

What is haunting of the past?


This character symbolizes the plight of the Stolen Generations, as he wanders in search of belonging.

Who is Jimmy?


The friendship between Ana and Catherine reflects this broader theme, showing how human connection can help individuals overcome personal trauma.

What is the power of human connection?


The absence of these represents the lack of warmth and comfort in the children's lives

What is family?


Through lighting and sound, the play often creates this atmosphere to emphasize moments of emotional release.

What is catharsis?


Katz's non-linear storytelling emphasizes how Ana's history and Catherine's present life are intertwined, reinforcing this overarching theme

What is intergenerational connection?