Look around at Port Campbell National Park, and you just might spot these
What are the 12 Apostles?
Darwin is where this film by the legendary Baz Luhrman takes place
What is Australia?
(DAILY DOUBLE) If you're drunk whilst driving, better watch out for this vehicle, also known as the Booze Bus
What is a police car?
These Arnott's biscuits that are coated in chocolate with chocolate inside them have been dubbed "irresistible"
What are Tim Tams?
Take a glance at this humongous incarnation of SpongeBob's home, located somewhere in this state
What is Queensland?
The Northern Territory is the birthplace of Ayers Rock, otherwise known by this more common name
What is Uluru?
Do you always take care of your flowers and plants and need some tips? Switch over to this ABC programme (it's all in the title)
What is Gardening Australia?
If you were out Woop Woop, you'd probably be here
What is the middle of nowhere?
If you feel like a little bit of cereal, you might want to turn to this brand
What is Kelloggs?
This Australian town is famous for it's Big Mango, and the food made out of the much smaller versions
What is Bowen?
(DAILY DOUBLE) Come see the wetlands and wildlife of the Northern Territory at this national park
What is Kakadu?
This Pixar classic starts on the Great Barrier Reef, and ends in Sydney as two unlikely finned friends travel across the ocean tracking down the title character
What is Finding Nemo?
If you were to throw some snags on the barbie, this meat product is what would be for lunch, or dinner
What are sausages?
Might wanna top your sanga with some of this, and maybe some diced egg
What is avocado?
You will find this big animal in Goulburn, NSW, famous for it's wool supply
What is a Merino ram?
If you're ever in Victoria, stop by here, a famous sporting venue
What is the Melbourne Cricket Ground?
Also filmed down under is the iconic live-action family flick about a pig who dreams of becoming a sheepdog
What is Babe?
You would have these on if you were wearing "budgie smugglers"
What are boardshorts?
This simple sliced substance smothered with hundreds-and-thousands is an ideal snack best served at children's birthday parties
What is fairy bread?
Also in the Northern Territory is this gargantuan water-dweller who is always ready to put up a fight
What is the Big Boxing Crocodile?
Our famous bridge in NSW goes through this capital city
What is Sydney?
A queen by the name of Priscilla is the rightful ruler of this location
What is the desert?
Kids can really bite these body parts sometimes
What are ankles?
The over-100-year-old spread Aussies love, Vegemite, is bound to put these in your cheeks
What are roses?
If you ever drive past this enormous fruit in Coffs Harbour, don't forget to stop! Your little monkeys won't want to leave
What is the Big Banana?