How Long is the Inland Taipan
It reachs a lenght up to 2,5m
Live the sea wesp in the water or on the Land ?
It lives in Water
Which animal does not belong to the bag animals here. Numbat, Tasmanian Devil, Nasal sabs, echidna
The echidna is fals
Where lives the Inland Taipan
There lives in dry areas in the internal of Australia
How long are the tentakels
The tentakels can up to 3m long
Which of the birds can't fly? The kookuburra, parrot or the cassowar?
The cassowar can’t fly
What eats the Inland Taipan
Ist eats small rodents and birds
Occurs the sea wesp in the north and south coast of Australia or the north and East coast of Australia?
It occurs in the north and east coast
Where indruced the aga toad?
These were the European settlers
Name me two things that destroy the poison in the body.
Red blood cells, can attack the muscle tissue, disrupts all blood clotting
How many death are dokumented in the year
up to 70 years
What ist the most toxic rural inhabitants Animal
This is the Inland Taipan