Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5

What does entertain mean?

To make someone laugh or to tell them a story for them to have fun.


A story about a family trying to stick together and survive through the great depression in the Midwest in the 1930s.

To Entertain


Nonfiction, history, biographies, and documentaries are examples of which author's purpose? 

A. Inform B. Persuade C. Entertain

A. Inform


What does persuade mean?

To convince someone to do something.


What does inform mean?

To give information or facts.


Which one is an example of Entertain? 

A. Facts and statistics 

B. Video games

C. TV ads

 B. (Video games)


A section in a science book describing the different phases of the moon.

To Inform 


Which one is an example of persuade?

A. TV ads

B. Encyclopedia or magazine articles

C. Short stories

A (TV ads)


Once upon a time, a little ladybug was traveling across a village.... 

What is this sentence an example of?

A. Inform B. Persuade C. Entertain 

C. (To Entertain)


Which one is an example of Inform?

A. News articles 

B. Short comic stories

C. Cartoons

A (News articles) 


Which one is an example of Entertain? 

A. Plays and movies

B. A statement of opinion 

C. Insightful observation

A (Plays and movies)


An article where the author argues that an iPhone is better than an Android phone.

To Persuade 


Reading Disney Marvel Comics in a book or watching them on television is an example of what?

A. Inform B. Persuade C. Entertain 

C. (To Entertain)


Reading Disney Marvel Comics in a book or watching them on television is an example of what?

A. Inform B. Persuade C. Entertain 

C. (To Entertain)


Which one is an example of Inform?

A. Advertisements 

B. Fictions stories

C. Biography 

 C (Biography)


Is this true or false? 

Books with characters and a setting are only meant to entertain.



A story about how Christmas traditions and where it first started.

To Inform


Which is an example of persuade?

A. There are 30 days in the month of November

B. You should go to PizzaHut because it is the best

C. Telling jokes 

B (persuading someone to like what you like)


My dad makes the best homemade pizza. He uses the perfect amount of cheese and cooks it for 15 minutes. I promise that you haven't tasted anything like it. You need to try it. This is an example of what?

A. Inform B. Entertain C. Persuade

C. Persuade


Is this true or false?

Fiction stories are used to inform the reader.



True or False

Reading a book on how to make cookies step-by-step is entertaining. 



Disney Princesses on Ice at the movie theater. 

To Entertain


Which is an example of a persuasive statement?

A. I do my chores everyday, I should be paid more

B. There are 12 months in one year

C. The party is jumping

A. (trying to persuade someone they should be paid more) 


What is an example of persuade?

A. facts/something that can be proven

B. suspenseful or exciting situations 

C. A statement of opinion

C. (A statement of opinion)


Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist who fought for all Americans, including African Americans to have equal rights.  

This is an example of what?

A. Persuade B. Inform C. Entertain

B. (To Inform)