True or false:
About 10% of people with autism spectrum disorder also have another genetic, neurological, or metabolic disorder.
What is a developmental disorder?
A disorder that will develop as the person gets older.
When asking a question, you should?
Be specific.
True or false: Does being not verbal at 4 years old mean the child will never speak again?
No, it doesn't mean they will never speak.
C'est quoi un autre nom pour l'autisme?
If you want to address a person with autism, you should.
Always use their names.
Is there a medical detection blood test or cure for autism?
No there isn't
Do all people with an autism disorder have the same abilities?
No, they all have different abilities.
You shouldn't...
Use long sentences, say no or be sarcastic and use slang.
L'autisme genere une deficience intellectuelle?
Pourquoi c'est difficile pour eux de garder des amitiès et des relations?
Ils ont de la misère à comprendre les attitudes et la manière comme ils doivent agir à l’école, au travail et dans la société.
If you want to have a conversation with them you should?
Use their hobbies to engage them.
Qui est plus probable d'avoir l'autisme des filles ou des garçons?
Des garçons ont plus de possibilités.
What does this disorder affect?
The brain, communication skills, interactions, behaviour and learning.
While talking with a person with ASD, you should?
Use facial expressions and pause between sentences.