What is the sense you use your eyes for?
Visual - Sight
What do we call the range of strengths and struggles of people who have Autism?
The Autism Spectrum
Autism is a neuro developmental disorder that is ______..
German born theoretical phycist known for developing the Theory of Relativity? (E=mc2)
Albert Einstein
SCENARIO: Timmy is running by the pool. You tell him, "Walk please!" instead of "Stop running!" This is an example of _____.
Positive Language
What is the sense you use to feel physical textures in the real world?
Tactile - Touch
What would we call the range of capabilities that may be very different from each other?
Splinter Skills
People who have Autism require differing _____..
Levels of support
Author of Thinking in Pictures, a book about Autism and her career with animals.
Temple Grandin
SCENARIO: You are trying to explain something with words that is not being understood. Instead, you draw a picture. This is a ________.
Visual Example
What sense do you use to listen to music?
Auditory - Hearing
What do we call being aware of others' minds and perspectives and how our behavior affects them, as well as knowing the difference between fact and fiction?
Theory of Mind
Many people who have Autism also have ______ conditions that present alongside their Autism symptoms.
Swedish environmental child activist known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action to mitigate the effects of human-caused climate change.
Greta Thunberg
SCENARIO: Timmy only wants to eat candy for lunch. This is not healthy, so you offer to make him one of his favorite meals, Mac and cheese or chicken nuggets, this is an example of _____.
What is the sense you use when you eat food to know if you like it?
Gustatory - Taste
What world describes something that affects all aspects of someone's life?
To be diagnosed with Autism, a person must meet (NUMBER) out of four areas of qualification based on their symptoms.
Musical composer most known for being a child Prodigy, Wolfgang Amadeus ________.
SCENARIO: Charles is in a loud room and is becoming overwhelmed. You give him headphones, this is an example of ________.
Sensory Tools
What sense tells you if you are hungry or cold?
Introceptive - Internal sensations
Autism is not a disease or mental illness, it is a...
Pervasive Neurodevelopmental Disorder
What is it called when you fixate on specific topics or hobbies that is common with those who have Autism?
Special Interests
Author of the 2015 book Neurotribes, which discusses autism rights and neurodiversity movements.
Steve Silberman
SCENARIO!!!: TIMMY starts his day every day by writing all of his activities down and what time they begin and end. Timmy is using _______.