The AutoCAD template for drawing in inches.
What is acad?
Double an objects size.
What is scale tool?
Creating your own block is called this.
What is Write Block?
This copies objects in rows and columns.
What is Rectangular Array?
Cuts an object at an intersection.
What is Trim tool?
The tool we use for individual segments.
What is line tool?
The tool we use for a joined set of segments.
What is a Polyline?
We organize our drawing into different categories using this tool.
Creates a duplicate object on the opposite side of a specified axis.
What is Mirror tool?
Name the 3 types of hatches.
What is Pattern, Solid, Gradient?
Divides an object into a specific number of segments.
What is divide tool?
Divides an object into segments of a specific length.
What is measure tool?
This copies objects in a circle.
What is Polar Array?
Separates joined lines of objects into individual lines.
What is Explode tool?
Increases the length of an object until it meets an intersection.
What is Extend tool?
The right-angle button at the bottom right of AutoCAD screen.
What is ORTHO mode?
The location to find Blocks created by AutoCAD.
What is Design Center?
Creates a parallel copy of an object.
What is Offset tool?
This copies objects along a specified path.
What is Path Array?
Allows you to modify the size or shape of selected objects by stretching them along a specified direction.
What is Stretch tool?
The AutoCAD template for drawing in millimeters.
What is acadiso?
Furniture and symbols are called this.
Connects separate lines, arcs, and polylines that touch end-to-end.
What is Join tool?
Creates a smooth, freeform curve.
What is Spline tool?
When you select the object, then specify a base point and displacement value, you are using this tool.
What is Move tool?