True Crime
Fall Aesthetic
Colonial America

This psychological phenomenon occurs when hostages develop feelings of trust or affection toward their captors during prolonged captivity.

What is Stockholm Syndrome?


This was developed by Charles Leggett of Stow, Massachusetts, who, in 1944, crossed pumpkin and gooseneck squash varieties

What is Butternut Squash?


originally an export beer shipped to India, which was under the control of the  British East India Company until 1858

What is IPA?


In early August 2023, a series of wildfires broke out in this U.S. state

What is Maui, Hawaii?


This group of settlers arrived on the Mayflower in 1620, seeking religious freedom in the New World.

What is Pilgrims?


This baseball milestone occurs when a pitcher completes a game without allowing any opposing player to reach base.

What is Perfect Game?


This famous 1990s case involved a former football star acquitted of killing his ex-wife and her friend in what some believe was a crime of passion.

Who is OJ Simpson?


Advertising and preparations for this usually occur in the weeks leading to the beginning of autumn.

What is Back to School?


This dark, rich beer style from Ireland is often associated with creamy textures and roasted malt flavors

What is Stout?


On May 30, 2020, this company became the first private company to send NASA astronauts to the International Space Station

What is SpaceX?


This holiday celebrates the feast held between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag in 1621.

What is Thanksgiving?


This Major League Baseball team is the only Canadian team currently in the MLB.

What is Toronto Blue Jays?


This serial killer and cannibal was known as the "Milwaukee Cannibal" for his horrific murders in Wisconsin.

Who is Jeffrey Dahmer?


Before the 16th century, this was the term usually used to refer to Autumn

What is Harvest?


This practice of selling beer directly to consumers in refillable containers has seen a resurgence in popularity

What is Growlers?


This country overtook China as the most populous country in the world

What is India?


This colony, founded by William Penn, was known for its religious tolerance and became a haven for Quakers.

What is Pennsylvania?


This ballpark, known for the Green Monster in left field, is one of the oldest stadiums in baseball.

What is Fenway Park?


This English serial killer, known as the "Whitechapel Murderer," was never caught, and his identity remains one of the greatest mysteries in true crime.

What is Jack the Ripper?


This term, from the Latin for "falling," refers to this tree species that lose their leaves in autumn.

What is Deciduous?


This trend in the craft beer industry focuses on lower alcohol content

What is session beers?


This, as a form of digital art, emerged in the 2020s

What is NFT?


This 1692 event in Massachusetts led to the execution of 20 people, mostly women, for alleged witchcraft.

What is Salem Witch Trials?


This annual award is given to the best pitcher in each league, named after the pitcher who holds the record for most career wins.

What is Cy Young Award?


This infamous killer claimed to have murdered 33 young men and boys, hiding many of the bodies under his house in Chicago.

Who is John Wayne Gacy?


This custom derives from folklore about a lost soul wandering the earth

What is Carving Pumpkins?


This ancient civilization, credited with the earliest known recipe for brewing beer, recorded it on clay tablets over 5,000 years ago.

What is Mesopotamia (or Sumerians)?


This term was coined to describe the new era of competition between video streaming services

What is streaming wars?


This colony, founded in 1607, was the first permanent English settlement in North America.

What is Jamestown?


This rule, introduced in the American League in 1973, allows a player to bat in place of the pitcher.

What is Designated Hitter?


This charming and intelligent killer, executed in 1989, confessed to over 30 murders across several U.S. states.

Who is Ted Bundy?


Autumn is associated with the harvesting of this primary ingredient used in whiskey production

What is Corn?


This strong, high-alcohol beer style from Belgium is known for its complex flavors, including fruity and spicy notes

What is Belgian Tripel?


An autonomous NASA helicopter that operated on Mars from 2021 to 2024 as part of the Mars 2020 mission

What is Ingenuity?


This colony was originally settled by the Dutch as New Amsterdam before being taken over by the English in 1664.

What is New York?


This annual award is given to the best defensive players at each position in both the American and National Leagues.

What is Gold Glove Award?


This killer, who terrorized the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s, taunted police with cryptic letters, some of which remain unsolved.

What is Zodiac Killer?


These made by early American colonists were more likely to be a savory soup

What is Pumpkin Pie?


This Belgian wheat beer, often spiced with coriander and orange peel, is known for its cloudy appearance and refreshing taste.

What is Whitbier? (White Beer)


On July 11th, 2021, They became the first spaceflight company to independently launch a paying civilian into outer space

What is Virgin?


This British law, passed in 1765, imposed taxes on paper goods in the American colonies, fueling resistance to British rule.

What is Stamp Act?


This team won the World Series in 2004, breaking the "Curse of the Bambino."

What is Boston Red Sox?


This serial killer, known as "The Night Stalker," terrorized Los Angeles in the mid-1980s with a spree of brutal home invasions and murders.

Who is Richard Ramirez?


The first of this is believed to have been created in Annville, Pennsylvania in 1993

What is Corn Maze?


This country is home to the oldest continuously operating brewery in the world, Weihenstephan, which was founded in 1040.

Wat is Germany?


First confirmed case of COVID-19 was detected on November 17th, 2019 in this city

What is Wuhan, China?


This crop, introduced by John Rolfe, became a cash crop and a key factor in the economic success of Virginia.

What is Tobacco?


This team became the first expansion team to win a World Series in 1997, just five years after their founding.

What is Florida Marlins?


This term describes crimes committed by individuals of high social status in the course of their occupation.

What is White-Collar crime?


This is a harvest festival celebrated in Chinese culture

What is Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon festival?


This German beer style, brewed in spring for autumn, is served at Oktoberfest.

What is Märzen?


A law allowing third gender option on driver licenses took effect in this US state

What is New Hampshire?


This colonial region, known for its Puritan settlers, had an economy based on shipbuilding, fishing, and trade.

What is New England?


Holds the record for the most consecutive World Series titles, winning five in a row from 1949 to 1953

What is New York Yankees?


This psychological disorder, often associated with serial killers, is characterized by a lack of empathy, remorse, and antisocial behavior.

What is psychopathy?


This fall phenomenon in the U.S. Northeast, in which travelers visit to see the changing colors of foliage, has this name

What is leaf-peeping?


This brewing method mixes IPA bitterness with stout roasted malt flavors.

what is Black IPA?


The release of this movie in theaters makes it the highest grossing animated film of all time.

What is Inside Out 2?


This war between New England colonists and Native Americans in 1675 is also known as Metacom’s Rebellion.

What is King Phillips War?


This player, nicknamed "The Georgia Peach," is one of the greatest hitters in baseball history, with a lifetime batting average of .366.

Who is Ty Cobb?