A forest where apples grows
What is an apple orchard
The two crops farmers are harvesting in our area
What is wheat and corn?
An insect that pollinates apples
What is a bee
Something to put apples in
What is an apple bin?
A ride in the open fields on a tractor
What is a hayride
Name of the giant talking pumpkin
Who is Penelope
The thing apples are hauled to in town
What is a truck
Multi-colored items from trees
What is leaves
Place to sit around to keep warm
What is a bon-fire
A drink made from smashed apples
What is apple cider
A whole moon that lights up the night sky
What is a full moon or harvest moon
Can be made from white sheets
What are ghosts
What must remain on the apple when you pick it?
What is the stem?
Machine used to pull the hay wagon around the orchard
What is a tractor
The crowd at the football game
Who are the fans
Something to sit on during a hay ride
What is a hay bail