Sam did not go to school today. He stayed in bed all
day long. He had soup for lunch. He played a game
with his mom.
Why didn't Sam go to school?
How do you know?
Sam didn't go to school because he was sick.
Cal took a bite of the red, round piece of fruit.It was sweet and juicy. He took bite after bite until all that was left was the core.
What was Cal eating? How do you know?
Cal was eating an apple.
"Snip, snip," another lock of Benny's hair fell to the floor. Benny looked in the mirror in front of him. He liked his new look!
What was Benny doing? How do you know?
Benny was getting his hair cut.
Dad was hanging something in a tree. "I bet
a mommy bird will be happy to make her nest in there", said Dad.
What was Dad hanging in the tree?
How do you know?
Dad was hanging a birdhouse in the tree.
David and his grandpa sat quietly in the boat. David held onto his pole and watched the water. Then he felt a little tug!
What were David and his grandpa doing?
How do you know?
David and his grandpa were fishing.
Kim and Leo were swimming. Mom called them
for lunch. After lunch they built a sand castle.
Where were Kim and Leo?
How do you know?
Kim and Leo were at the beach.
Joe hid in the coat closet. He could hear Kate counting. Kate stopped counting. Joe stayed hidden.
Why was Joe hiding? How do you know?
Joe was hiding because he was playing hide and seek.
The small, gray animal found a nut on the ground.
He put it in his mouth and ran up the trunk of a tree.
What kind of animal found the nut?
How do you know?
A squirrel.
Dora puts on her yellow raincoat. She puts on her yellow boots. Now she is ready to go outside.
What is the weather like outside?
How do you know?
The weather outside is rainy.
Jane does her chores after school. First she milks
the cow. Then she gets the eggs and feeds the chickens.
Where does Jane live? How do you know?
Jane lives on a farm.
Ana played some fun games. Then she ate cake
and ice cream. After that, she watched her friend open presents.
Where was Ana? How do you know?
Ana was at a birthday party.
Jen put on her helmet. She checked the brakes. She checked the tires. Then she got on and sped away.
What did Jen get on? How do you know?
Jen got on her bike.
Mom read Tara a story. Then Mom sang her a
quiet song. Tara's pillow was soft. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Where was Tara? How do you know?
Tara was in bed.
Ella took her pet, Rascal, to the park. She threw a stick as far as she could. Rascal ran after it. He brought it back in his mouth.
What kind of pet is Rascal?
How do you know?
Rascal is a dog.
Jenna fed the baby. She put him to sleep in his crib. Then she watched TV until Mr. and Mrs. Jones came home. Mr. Jones drove her home.
What was Jenna doing? How do you know?
Jenna was babysitting.
Jane loves her new pet. She likes to pet his soft fur. She likes to scratch behind his pointy ears. Jane's pet purrs on her lap.
What kind of pet does Jane have?
How do you know?
Jane has a cat.
Mary bounced the orange ball on the gym floor. She threw the ball to Lily. Lily threw the ball into the basket.
What game were Mary and Lily playing?
How do you know?
Mary and Lily were playing basketball.
Abby climbed up the ladder. She sat down at the top. She pushed off with her hands and slid to the ground.
Where was Abby? How do you know?
Abby was on a slide.
Jared had left something important at home. Now he could feel the wind whip through his thin T-shirt. He was cold!
What did Jared leave at home?
How do you know?
Jared left his coat at home.
Andy knew he had to be very quiet. He picked out five books. He brought them to the check-out counter.
Where was Andy? How do you know?
Andy was at the library.