Starbuck's top selling drink of all time?
What is a Pumpkin Spice Latte?
In Autumn, these get shorter.
What are the Days?
Often drizzled on fall treats, this can create a sticky situation.
What is caramel?
Begins in this month
What is September?
To repel these, you should dress in costume.
What are ghosts or spirits?
Made with vinegar, this is believed to help build your immune system
What is Apple Cider?
The Earth's tilt toward or away from the sun causes these.
What are seasons?
This spice is often used as a topping for fall beverages and desserts.
What is cinnamon?
Octoberfest beer must be brewed here.
What is Munich?
Thirty-five million pounds of this is produced yearly.
What is candy corn?
This can be found in farmer's fields in Autumn
What is a corn maze?
The harvest moon occurs close to this.
Ironically harvested in fall, this makes many think of the Islands.
What are Fuji apples.
Features 14 of these.
What are beer hall tents?
The first First Lady to decorate the White House for Halloween.
Who is Mamie Eisenhower? She first decorated it in 1958.
Your odds of hitting one is 1 in 116 during Autumn
What are Deer?
The predominant color of the Aurora Borealis
What is the color green?
40 to 1 is the ratio to know for this fall harvest.
What are gallons of Sap to produce a gallon of Maple Syrup.
Begins when this Official taps the first keg at noon.
What is the Mayor of Munich?
This magician died on Halloween.
Who is Harry Houdini?
This Autumn special stars Charlie Brown
What is "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown?"
Adds $3 Billion to the economy of this U.S. region.
Technically speaking, a pumpkin gourd is this.
A fruit.
Oktoberfest is a celebration of Bavarian traditions so Oktoberfest beers are brewed here.
What is the city limits of Munich?
It is illegal in this state to impersonate a priest/nun on Halloween.
What is Alabama?
Autumn begins when the center of the sun crosses this.
What is the equator?
The leaves of maple tree leaves turn red because they have more of this.
What is more sugar?
What are snake bites?
Oktoberfest beer is especially strong and has the equivalent of this.
What is 8 shots of Schnapps?
The meaning of Halloween.
What is All Hallows Eve?
Winona Ryder and Richard Gere starred in this 2000 romantic drama.
What is Autumn in New York?
Babies born in the fall statistically do this.
What is live longer?
Pumpkins grow in every continent of the world except this one.
What is Antarctica?
The first Oktoberfest was held to honor this.
What is the marriage of Prince Ludwig?
The meaning of the name Dracula.
What is Son of the Devil?