Finish this sentence:
"Trick or ____!"
True or False:
Turkey is a traditional dish enjoyed by families on this holiday.
Which beauty treatment is commonly associated with going back to school?
Getting a haircut!
Another name for Autumn is... ____.
What is typically worn on someone's feet while they read a book?
A costume!
On the TV show 'Friends,' what did Joey get stuck on his head?
A turkey!
What is often bought near the beginning of the school year?
New clothes!
What typically falls from trees during this season?
True or False:
Fall is usually the hottest time of the year.
True or false:
Visiting Trick or Treaters are given vegetables.
They are given candy!
True or False:
Canadians and Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the same day.
Is there such a thing as grade 13?
Not in BC!
(But at one time in the past grade 13 was a real thing in the province of Ontario).
Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Brown.
What special drink becomes available at starbucks in the fall?
Pumpkin Spice Latte!
What day is Halloween celebrated on?
October 31st!
Is thanksgiving a stat holiday in Canada?
Which class should you take if you want to avoid homework?
What kind of trees dont lose their leaves in the Fall?
Pine trees!
What is the name of the day that directly follows Halloween?
"All Saints Day"
What vegetable is typically mashed and covered in gravey on this holiday?
Which season does the school year begin in?
Why do trees lose their leaves in the fall?
To preserve their health through the harsh winter.
What is the best season of the year!