What is the fastest terrestrial animal?
What is the fastest ocean animal?
Black Marlin
What is the fastest growing type of plant?
What is the deepest living animal?
Mariana snailfish
Peregrine Falcon
Which dinosaur is likely the largest carnivore?
What is the largest currently living marine mammal?
Blue Whale
What is the national flower of Scotland?
Which invertebrates are dissected in Diversity of Life 1?
the earthworm and the leech
Approximately how many organisms are in one gram of soil?
10 billion
What is the latin name of the common chameleon?
Chamaeleo chamaeleon
What is the latin name of orcas?
Orcinus orca
What is the latin name of dog rose?
Rosa canina
Drosophilia melanogaster
What is the latin name of the Jeweled Amanita?
Amanita gemmata
What land animal has the largest egg size to body ratio?
Kiwi (20%)
What type of marine vertebrate has existed longer than trees?
Where were potatoes first cultivated?
What is the largest flying insect to ever live?
dragonfly (protodonate dragonflies)
What are the three corners of the soil texture triangle used to describe the composition of soil?
sand, silt, and clay
Which terrestrial animal has the longest migration distance?
Caribou or Reindeer
What is the longest living vertebrate?
Greenland shark
What type of plant produces vanilla beans?
What is the loudest animal in the world?
What is the deadliest animal in the world (by number of human deaths)?