All about the Mitral
What causes what?
Tricuspid Time!
Numbers, Numbers, Numbers
Anything Goes...

What happens to the mitral valve leaflets during systole with a patient who has MVP

Bows back into the LA during closure.


What causes an anterior regurgitation jet?

posterior regurgitation jet?

Posterior leaflet problem

Anterior leaflet problem


What is being shown in this clip that could cause regurgitation?

Epstein's Anomaly


 While evaluating our MR using PISA, we get an answer of 10mm. How would we grade this MR?


PISA is severe if it is >or = 10mm or 1 cm


In which cardiac cycle does TR and MR occur?



What is the sequela of events for severe chronic MR?

LA dilation

LV dilation

pulmonary vein reversal

Back up in to the lungs -pulmonary congestion

Pulmonary arteries

Back into right ventricle and continuing through the right heart


What causes a flail leaflet of the mitral valve?

When the chordae tendinae that attaches to that leaflet is completely or partially unattached. 


What does this image represent if it is seen in only diastole? What if we saw it in systole too?

A flattened D shape septum in only diastole indicates volume overload.

If we see it through both cycles, it indicates a pressure overload. 


We are evaluating MR with color and we estimate that the regurgitation takes up about 25% of the Left atrium, what would we grade the severity based on that color flow jet area?


Color Flow Jet Area Moderate = 20-50% of LA


What term do we use to describe a regurgitation (volume) problem? 

PRELOAD describes a volume overload!


What is the specific name for this type of jet? 

Which leaflet is problematic? and which direction is the jet?

This is the Coanda Effect, eccentric regurgitation

There is a problem with the anterior leaflet causing a posterior jet


What congenital condition do we see on the Mitral Valve? And what could this cause?

Cleft MV. When there is a slit on the leaflet (usually anterior) of the Mitral valve. 

Causes MR


What is the sequela of events for TR?

Volume overload causes RA and RV enlargement

can back up to IVC

Ascites/Fluid in abdomen

can back up to Iliac Veins B/L

Continuing down to lower extremities

Pulsatile venous flow/Edema


While scanning the in the subcostal, we notice our patient IVC measure 2.1 and their IVC is collapsing while breathing. What RA pressure would we add to get our RVSP?

3 mmHg

If IVC is less than or equal to 2.1 and the IVC collapses, we add 3!!


What 4 leaflets do we see in Apical 4 chamber?

(For Tricuspid and Mitral)

Tricuspid- Anterior and Septal

Mitral - Anterior and Posterior



What are key differences in a central Mitral insufficiency jet versus an eccentric insufficiency jet?

A central jet is indicative of LV dysfunction

An eccentric jet suggests a valvular issue


What rare condition can cause scarring and stiffness of the Tricuspid valve, creating short fixed leaflets with minimal mobility and producing insufficiency?

And what substance does it secrete?


Produces seratonin


What is the classic Triad for TR? 

(occurs in about 40% of patients)

1. Prominent jugular distension (from SVC backup)

2. Pulsatile liver (from IVC backup)

3. Holodiastolic murmur at left sternal border (increasing with inspiration)


What are the mild and severe categories for Vena Contracta?

mild is < 0.3 

Severe is > or = 0.7


What term do we use to describe the process of SAM when the flow is moving so rapidly through the obstructed LVOT, that it pulls up the anterior leaflet of the MV as well. 

Venturi Effect


What does this waveform imply when we Doppler our Pulmonary Vein?

Severe MR

Flow Reversal

Here's an example of NORMAL Pulmonary vein Doppler


What is something that could cause acute MR?

MI or Trauma

Chordal Rupture

Flair Leaflet

Papillary ischemia



While scanning a patient, you CW Doppler their TR max. What information are you wanting from those values and in what equation would you plug it into?

CW Doppler on TR will provide you with the pressure gradient between the Right Atrium and Right Ventricle.

We would plug it into the Bernoulli's equation to get the pressure difference. (△P= 4v^2)

BONUS: What do we add to that to get the RVSP?

 3, 8 or 15


When calculating our EROA, our answer is 0.42cm2 

What would we grade our MR based on that value?


An EROA over (or equal to) 0.4 is SEVERE


What is the difference between grading TR and PHTN?

Grading TR is grading the severity of Tricuspid regurgitation.

Grading PHTN is grading the severity of pressure 

(by using CW Doppler on TR max velocity to get a pressure gradient, then add the RA pressure to it to get RVSP)


What maneuver could you ask your patient to do to bring out MVP or SAM?



What does volume overload from TR cause regarding the IVS?

Paradoxical Septal Motion

IVS moves posterior in diastole

IVS moves anterior in systole


Which vessel can we Doppler to confirm severe TR?

Hepatic Veins


What is the mild category for a mitral RF%?



What murmur is associated with Barlows?

Mid-systolic Click