Who was kataras first love intrest
What benders made Appa take it
Zukos grlfreind
Who is aangs first firebending teacher
Jong Jong
What does the avatar have to master
Air Fire Water AIr
does katara have a GYATT
Who did zuko get the scar from
his dad
Who were the original earthbenders
badger moles
Fire bending alternative element
What water move was katara struggling to get but aang did it ez
The water whip on indy
What element is used to take peoples bendings away
Energy bendng
Who is zukos sister
Avatar before Roku
What is another version of water bending that only works in a full moon
Blood Bending
King Bumi traps Katara and Sokka in this substance, only to tell them afterwards that it is this tasty treat.
Rock candy
who sang.... Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow
Like fragile tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boy
Comes marching home
iroh :((
What happened to zukos mom?
BANISHEd from the fire nation
Who found aang in the iceberg
Sokka Katara
What are 2 versions of earth bending
Metal bending, lava bending
After Sokka's famous "It's the Quenchiest!" line, Katara tells him that he's had enough. He then asks what?
Who lit toph on fire?
What man said this phrase. My -------!!
why was zuko banished and couldnt return until capturing the avatar
he spoke out of turn in a war meeting and then refused to duel his father Ozai
Who is sokkas girlfriend
What was the old ladys name that could bloodbend from the water tribe