What are the lyrics of the song “secret tunnel”
"Two lovers, forbidden from one another, A war divides their people, And a mountain divides them apart, Built a path to be together (And die…), Secret tunnel!, Secret tunnel!, Through the mountain! Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel!"
When Azula is being prepared for her coronation, she banishes one of her servants. Why?
She leaves a pit in one of the cherries she was feeding to Azula
How did Gyatso kill a TON of fire nation soldiers and himself?
He bended all the air out of the room
When the Group meets Hama the Innkeeper, what does she teach Katara?
When the Aang gang is training in book 3 and Toph is playing the fire lord, what name does she give herself?
Melon Lord
What kind of people do Aang, Katara, and Sokka run into in the episode entitled The Cave of Two Lovers?
Nomads ; just people (aren’t we all, brother)
Why Was Zuko Banished from the Fire nation?
He refused to fight his father in an Agni Kai (He spoke out of turn at a war meeting)
What are the rings made of that King Bumi makes Katara and Sokka wear?
Jennamite, AKA Creeping Crystal, AKA rock candy
What was Aunt Wu’s future prediction to Katara?
That she would marry a powerful bender
When Aang goes to school in the Fire nation, what is the fake name he gives?
What are the fake names that Iroh and Zuko give to the family that helps them when Iroh accidentally poisons himself?
Lee (but he is called Junior), and Uncle Mushi
Why was Zuko unable to shoot lightning?
He was blocked by his shame → he had not let go of the turmoil inside of him
When Iroh gets captured by earth benders, he falls off an ostrich horse and leaves what behind as a clue to Zuko to follow?
His Stinky Sandal
How does Toph learn to metalbend?
She gets trapped in a metal box by her old earthbending teacher and the leader of the fight club (whom her parents hired to bring her home). She learns metalbending to break out
When Aang, Katara, and Sokka go to Omashu for the first time, what is the fake name that Aang gives to the guards to enter the city?
Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the 3rd
Summarize the love story of Oma and Shu
They met on the mountain that divided their villages. The villages were enemies so they couldn’t be together, but their love was strong and they found a way. The lovers learned earthbending from badgermoles, and they became the first earthbenders. They build tunnels so they could meet secretly, and anyone who tried to follow would be lost in the labyrinth forever. One day, the man didn't come. He died in the war between their villages. Devastated, the woman unleashed a terrible demonstration of her earthbending power. She could have destroyed them all, but instead she declared the war over. Both villages helped build a new city where they would live in peace. The woman’s name was Oma and the man’s name was Shu. The great city was named Omashu as a monument to their love.
How does Azula find out that Zuko is in the boiling rock prison?
She was notified by Mai → The warden is Mai’s uncle
In the episode titled “return to Omashu”, where Sokka, Aang, and Karata are trying to rescue Bumi, what is the fake illness that they make up to get the residents out of the city?
What kind of benders muzzled and stole Appa?
In the episode titled “the blind bandit” - what does Toph call the boulder to taunt him?
The Pebble
What is the plant that Iroh poisons himself with?
White Jade Bush → poisonous / White Dragon Bush → makes tea so delicious it’s heartbreaking
When Zuko, Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai, all go to Ember island on vacation, they have a big heart to heart on the beach. What were each person’s insecurities/things they were dealing with?
Azula → Mother thought she was a monster and liked Zuko more than her
Mai → Is afraid to care about things, keeps all her feelings bottled up and does not express herself. (had a controlling mother with high expectations, and if she strayed from them she was shut down)
Zuko → Huge inner conflict and is angrier than ever at himself. Struggling to know the difference between right and wrong
Ty Lee → Attention issues. (grew up with 6 identical sisters and struggled with having her own identity. was scared of spending the rest of her life as a “matched set”, so she joined the circus)
When Aang, Katara, and Sokka are in Omashu for the first time, why do they get arrested and taken to King Bumi?
They crashed into the cabbages guy with a mail cart
What element does Aang use to take the fire lord’s bending away?
When the Aang gang is in hiding in the fire nation, they visit a fishing town where they meet a man with “three brothers”. What are the three brother’s names?
Dock, Shoe, Bushi