Consists of 21% of the atmosphere
What is Oxygen?
The puffy, cottony, unstable clouds
What are Cumulus clouds?
The three-dimensional geometrical pattern of intersecting circles
What is a Graticule?
The amount of heat in a given object
What is Temperature?
The tendency of an aircraft in flight to remain in straight, level, upright flight and to return to this attitude
What is Stability?
The closest layer of atmosphere to Earth
What is the Troposphere?
The prefix for a low cloud
The Navigation method involving landmarks
What is Pilotage
The process in which gas becomes liquid
The Movement around lateral axis.
What is Pitch?
The Mean Sea Level Pressure of ICAO
What is 29.92" of Mercury?
The big, bad angry storm clouds
What are Cumulonimbus?
Using Math and predetermined vectors of wind, heading, eta.
What is Inertial Navigation?
The temperature to which unsaturated air must be cooled, in order to become saturated. (air becomes water)
What is the Dew Point?
The angle between wing and horizontal plane.
What is Dihedral?
The most abundant gas in atmosphere
What is Nitrogen?
The type of air associated with:
• cumulus type cloud,
• showery precipitation
• gusty winds,
• moderate to severe turbulence.
What is Unstable air
The great circle of Earth.
What is The Equator?
What is Precipitation in the form of large water droplets
What is Rain?
A design feature where the wings point towards trailing edge of airplane
What is Sweepback?
The Most important gas in the atmosphere
What is Water Vapour?
The weather phenomenon when air is heated through contact with earth's surface.
What is convection?
The number of feet in 1 nautical mile
What is 6080 feet?
Process in which gas changes to solid
What is Sublimation
The tendency for airplane is able to return to its original attitude without any corrective measure.
What is Positive stability?