This was the first gun used in air-to-air combat
A pistol
An aircraft-mounted gun is most effective when mounted in this way
Direction of travel
This German aviator earned 8- enemy kills and went by the name "The Red Baron"
Manfred von Richthofen
Bullard flew in the air corps for this country
A fighter pilot who shoots down at least five enemy aircraft is given this nickname
This invention alleviated the concern of propeller damage with nose-mounted weapons.
Interrupter gear
This iconic cartoon character often pursues the Red Baron from his perch on a rather unique fly machine
Aircraft development during the war was fueled by this goal
The desire to win the war
This event consisted of at least two aircraft maneuvering in close proximity to each other in an attempt to disable or shoot down the other aircraft.
This was the world's first practical all-metal airplane
Junker J1
Eugene Bullard made his way to Europe via a ship of this country's registration
Upon arriving in France, Eddie Rickenbacker was initially assigned to this position
It was widely reported that Eugene Bullard flew with this mascot
At the beginning of World War 1, these types of engines were considered heavy and unreliable
Water-cooled engines
For this reason, Bullard was not allowed to fly for his "home" country
Racial Prejudice
In World War 1, Eugene Bullard claimed this significant distinction
First african-american pilot to fly in combat
At the start of the war, the U.S. 9th Pursuit Squadron lacked this critical piece of machinery
This challenging characteristic of handling aircraft was a byproduct of a rotary engine
Gyroscopic precession
American Eddie Rickenbacker was known in this profession before World War 1
Race Car Driver
What did the "Hat in the Ring" insignia indicate?
The US was entering the war in Europe