Vertical Motion and Stability I
Vertical Motion and Stability II
Atmospheric Moisture I
Atmospheric Moisture II
Cloud Development

Name at least 2 common reasons for vertical motion of air

What are Orography, fronts, convergence, divergence, and convection


This is defined as the net inflow of air into a given area.

What is convergence?


It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas in which the molecules are free to move.

What is Water Vapor?


Define Latent Heat.

What is Amount of heat being absorbed or released when water changes from one state to another?


Explain the term dewpoint and what can happen when the temperature and dewpoint are close together.

What is the amount of moisture in the air, formation of fog and clouds.


Given the following weather is the air considered stable or unstable:

Precipitation:  Steady Rain

Turbulence:  Light

Visibility:  1 SM

What is Stable?


This causes air to sink from aloft to replace the air being removed at lower levels.

What is Divergence of surface winds?


This is when a vapor turns directly into ice.

What is deposition?

State the relationship between latent heat and stability of the air.

What is As air becomes saturate, cooling results, latent heat is released.  Amount of latent heat that is released defines the stability of the air?


This is the DRY adiabatic lapse rate in the lower atmosphere in degrees Celsius.

What is 3 degrees Celsius per 1,000 feet?


This is defined as the outflow of air in a given area.

What is divergence


Warm air moving over an area of cold air is associated with this reason for vertical motion.

What is frontal lifting?


Define Partial Vapor Pressure.

What is pressure exerted by molecules of water vapor that is proportional to the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere?


Name the relationship between temperature and molecular motion.

What is temperature increases and decreases with molecular motion?  more movement higher temperature.


A wind profiler is a __________________________

What is Newer type of atmospheric sounding system?


An air parcel's temperature _____________ (increases or decreases) as it is moved upward because it uses energy to expand.

What is Decreases?


A mountain lee wave is an example of a (an) ______________________________

What is a gravity wave motion?


Same amount of water vapor molecules leaving the a water surface = the same amount coming into the water surface.

What is Saturation Vapor Pressure?


This is the major source for meteorological circulation formation.

What is the release of latent heat?


Tops of cloud layers are frequently found at the bases of an elevated _______________.

What is inversion?

This is what Archimede's Principle" States.

What is "when an object is placed in a fluid, it will be subjected to a positive or negative force depending on whether the object weights more or less than the fluid it displaces..."?


This type of precipitation is associated with an unstable airmass. (steady or showery)

What is Showery?

Explain the 3 things that are required for cloud formation.

What are Water Vapor, Condensation Nuclei, and Cooling?


This is the ratio of the amount of pressure exerted by molecules of water vapor to saturation vapor pressure.

What is Relative Humidity?


This type of fog occurs when air is cooled adiabatically as it moves up a slope and cooled by contact with the cold ground and usually happens after sunset.

What is upslope fog?