What do the letters in AVID stand for?
You should complete any missing work, makeup work or complete your course recovery.
When you finish your work in AVID what should you do?
They teach you the vocabulary and scholarly language you need to know to be an academic scholar. It supports your academic communication skills.
Why are language scripts so important?
We demonstrate that we are developing our skills and growing as learners and scholars.
Why is it significant to have good grades in AVID?
AVID helps you develop critical thinking skills through real world problem solving activities. (AVID Cafe)
How are AVID and critical thinking related?
S-sit up straight
L- lean in and listen
A- ask and answer questions
N- nod your head
t- track the speaker
What does SLANT stand for in AVID?
Yes, because it is trying to teach you critical thinking skills.
Think pair share
Think alouds
Does AVID require thinking/Brainstorming?
It can because it is technology and it is considered a college level course.
Does AVID count towards college credits?
AVID provides scaffolded support that educators and students need to encourage college, with AVID students have the flexibility to start small and deepen their knowledge.
What occurs when students go to their AVID class?
Students become AVID scholars. They become school leaders and role models to other students.
What does AVID suggest about the character of students?
I- inquiry
C- collaborate
O- organization
What does WICOR stand for?
Yes no matter the language, race, culture; AVID is for everyone. It helps students with their academic classes. It teaches you study strategies, goal setting, life skills and career goals
Is AVID for all types of students?
If you quit AVID you'll miss a better way to study for tests and learn how to manage your time more effectively.
What would happen if you quit AVID?
The purpose of AVID is to teach us real world skills that will help us throughout our lives.
How are AVID and real life similar?
Both the students and the teachers because you are constantly learning. There are AVID lesson pans for students and Teachers are provided with professional to improve their AVID skills.
Who is an AVID learner?
AVID Binder
What are the three things you should always have in class?
Yes because all the WICOR strategies are incorporated into your classes.
Do you use AVID in your other academic classes?
Students are given a purpose for the lesson
Students take Cornell notes guided by essential question
Tutorial referral forms are reviewed, pre work and resources
Teacher places students in tutorial groups
The student presenter writes the point of confusion question on the board and explains to group members
Following the tutorial session, all students write a reflection on their learning.
What are the steps used in a tutorial?
A site builds this culture by engaging parents, students and teachers focusing on community support and establishing a mindset that all students can benefit from rigorous and challenging work.
Why is it important to develop culture in AVID class?
Students are exposed to a variety of different ways of making presentations through technology as well as different forms of technology used throughout the different assignments.
How does technology play a part in AVID?
What are the four pillars of AVID?
It is a class that teaches you college and career readiness skills.
Why is AVID class important?
AVID offers professional development and AVIDS work with schools aligns with our goals to accelerate the work in other classes
How are AVID and other classes related?
Yes, because all the study skills taught help you improve your study habits and take control of your learning.
Does it make sense that AVID students get better grades than students who aren't exposed to AVID classes?
AVID is intended to increase your academic and life skills, grades and prepare you for college.
What is the intention of AVID in your academic future?