What instruments provide pitot-static information?
Altimeter, VSI, Airspeed Indicator
Airspeed Indicator compares the difference between two types of pressure. What are they?
RAM Pressure and Static Pressure
What are the 4 different gyroscopic instruments commonly found in an aircraft?
Heading Indicator, Attitude Indicator, Turn Coordinator, Turn and Slip Indicator
What are the different compass errors?
-Magnetic Dip
-Oscillation Error
Garmin Display Unit (GDU) components?
Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Multifunction Flight Display (MFD)
What instruments are commonly run by a vacuum system?
Attitude Indicator and Directional Gyro
True Air Speed (TAS)
The turn coordinator provides information that the turn and slip indicator does not? What is this information?
Rate of roll
The line when there is no angular difference
Agonic Line
Air Data Computer (ADC)
Turn Coordinator
The five different types of altitude. x2 points if can describe the differences between each.
Indicated- whatever the instrument is reading
Absolute- height above the ground (AGL)
True- Height about sea level (MSL)
Pressure- Height above the Standard Datum Plane (SDP=29.92 in Hg)
Density- PA corrected for non standard temps
Instruments that rely on rigidity in space?
Attitude Indicator and Directional Gyro
When turning left from a heading of 360 to 180 you would expect your compass to indicate more or less than 180 as your plane levels off at a heading of 180?
The compass will indicate less than 180?
Archer standby instrument battery life
Aspen EFD 1000: .5 hours
Garmin G5: 4.0 hours
Kolsman- 29.45
Current Altimeter- 30.15
Indicated Altitude 5000'
True Altitude- ???
Pressure Alt- ???
True= 5700'
Pressure= 5470'
Above 17,000' the altimeter is always set to...
current altimeter until above 18,000'
Pitch, bank, and yaw information displayed using what in a glass cockpit aircraft
John is flying a Cessna 172 in Grand Forks North Dakota. Currently John is on a heading of 290 cruising at 120 KTAS. John turns left on course to a heading of 135 using his magnetic compass. What should the magnetic compass indicate when John rolls out of his turn to end up on a heading of 135?
LRU stands for what?
Line Replaceable Unit
Required IFR Instruments
Altimeter (pressure sensitive)
Attitude Indicator
Rate of turn
Directional Gyro
DME (when above FL240 using VOR for Nav)
ASI- Operates but innacuratly
VSI- Slowly move to 0 fpm
Altimeter- Freeze at 10,000 ft
Instruments that indicate changes in the lateral, longitudinal, and vertical axis
Lateral- attitude indicator
Longitudinal- Attitude indicator, Turn Coordinator
Vertical- Turn Coordinator, Turn and Slip Coordinator, Inclinometer
Matthew is flying a 1978 Cessna 172 at 120 kts in Grand Forks North Dakota. He is currently on a heading of 260 and decides to make a right turn to a heading of 120. Due to his lack of experience in aircraft with a magnetic compass Matthew doesn't know what the magnetic compass will indicate when he needs to roll out to be on the correct heading. Let's help Matthew figure out when he needs to roll out. Also, how long would it take to make this turn at standard rate as well as half standard rate?
Rollout 127
standard rate= 73
half standard rate= 147
Main communication hub linking all of the system components to the GDU
Garmin Integrated Avionics Unit (GIA)