I do not understand
What is no entiendo o no comprendo?
You want to tell someone to speak slower...
What is to habla más despacio, por favor?
You want someone to speak in Spanish...
What is ¨en español, por favor"?
You want to know how to say something in Spanish...
What is ¨Cómo se dice ______ en español"?
You want to say ¨I know¨
What is yo lo sé?
I need help
What is yo necesito ayuda?
You want someone to repeat what they have said...
What is repite, por favor?
You want to know how to say something in Spanish.
What is Cómo se dice ______ en españól?
You need to use the bathroom...
What is puedo ir a baño?
How do you say ¨Where is _______?"
What is Dónde está_________?
Thank you
What is gracias?
In english, please...
What is en inglés, por favor?
May I...?
What is Puedo...?
What is puedo ir a la enfermera?
There is
What is HAY?
What is por favor?
I do not know :(
What is no lo séi?
You want to ask if there is homework...
What is hay tarea?
How do you say There are two students in the cafeteria?
What is HAY dos estudiantes en la cafeteria.
You are welcome
What is de nada?
You want to tell your teacher you have a question...
What is yo tengo una pregunta?
You need to ask for help...
What is necesito ayuda?
You need to get something from your locker...
What is ¿Puedo ir a mi armario?
Is there?
What is ¿HAY?